
  • Step 1: Take Radical Responsibility

    We kick off with an important question: Are you taking radical responsibility for yourself? This is the number 1, can't-skip-it step for creating a PurposeFULL life, that so many people overlook but which can literally change everything.

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  • Step 2: Master Your Inner Critic

    If you want to live a PurposeFULL life, you have to kick that negative voice inside your head out of the driver's seat. Here, Melissa shares her four-step CAST process for mastering your inner critic and getting back behind the wheel of your life.

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  • Step 3: Clarify Your Core Values

    It's time to get crystal clear on your core values - because if you don’t know what’s true and important to you, you can’t live a PurposeFULL life.

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  • Step 4: Uncover Your Purpose (& Find Your Vehicle)

    Here we get to the bones of living a PurposeFULL life: uncovering your life purpose. Prepare for ‘aha’ moments galore, as well as that ‘sigh of relief’ feeling that comes when you finally get true clarity on your direction. (Plus, Melissa drops a massive truth bomb that will rock your world.)

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  • Step 5: Turn Envy Into Inspiration

    Envy is one of the biggest roadblocks that keeps people stuck and spinning their wheels. It can also make you feel really icky and send your self esteem plummeting. Here, you’ll learn how to harness the green-eyed envy monster and use it to fuel you forwards in all areas of your life.

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  • Step 6: Your New Dictionary

    Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can change your brain. In Step 6, Melissa gives you a new and inspiring dictionary that will literally rewire your brain for success.

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  • Step 7: Redefine Success

    What makes you feel really fulfilled? Most people don’t actually know the answer to this question (which means they can spend years trying to achieve something that’s not truly what they want). So in this step, we’re lasering in on what success REALLY means to you.

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  • Step 8: Cultivate Creativity

    The act of creating fills us with a sense of purpose and satisfaction that little else can. Here, Melissa steps you through practical ways to infuse your days with self expression (even if you’ve never considered yourself a “creative” person) and shows you how to find activities that bring you mountains of joy.

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