
  • 09 I believe what I see

    Some say, they only believe it if they see it.

    If they won't listen to Moses and the Prophets, they won't believe even if someone rises from the dead.

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    31 分
  • 08 Pre-Flood Museum

    Before the Flood, the Bible say people lived lives of hundreds of years.

    The Pre-Historic world, is known to some Creationist as The Pre-Flood World.

    Why were the Beasts of the earth so large?

    How did animal spread out and multiply. Along with adapting?

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    16 分
  • 07 God Created Everything. It was Good.

    At this pit stop let's run down the major events once again, and try and deepen our theology a little bit more. Were going to get deeper at each pit stop and build up to, hopefully a complete assurance of our Worldview and Belief, so we can live confidently by Faith, and defend and share Jesus.

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    17 分
  • 06 Historical Jesus

    You have probably heard people say, "I'm sure Jesus was a nice guy and did a lot of cool stuff. But I don't know about all that, born of a virgin, and the whole being God thing."

    Historically speaking, based on the experts, we can affirm that a man named Jesus lived, and that man named Jesus died on the cross under Pontius Pilate.

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    24 分
  • 05 Big Tent Revival

    Jesus is the Good Shepherd. And the Good Shepherd never looses any of His Sheep.

    I was stuck in the desert, wandering. What is Gods will for me?

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    26 分
  • 04 A Date with Kurt Wise

    Why do some Christians not believe in Science? Do They think Faith is the answer to everything? Lets go ask Kurt.

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    14 分
  • 03 Can You Relate

     He wants you to accept Him, so that He can have a relationship with you.  A relationship with The One and Only!

    What If I keep sinning because I want to? Wont I loose favor in the sight of God?

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    28 分
  • 02 Summary

     A basic summary of our situation as Human beings on Earth, according to Gods Word. An overview of the History God wants us to know, and the events He has said will come. 

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    12 分