
  • Is It Okay to Sell Your House and Rent in Retirement?

    The housing market remains strong in North Carolina and throughout much of the country, which creates an interesting option for many people moving in retirement. Should you go ahead and sell your home to take advantage of the current home values and rent until you’re ready to buy your next place?

    Today we’ll tackle a question that came in to us recently and asked about this same scenario:

    The housing market in my neighborhood is still really good right now and I’m tempted to put our house on the market and get top dollar for it. We’re going to retire in 2-3 years and would be moving at that time anyway. Of course, I’d need a place to live for those next 2-3 years after selling; would it be dumb to rent something for that period?

    Find out why we think most people are going to be better off owning their home in retirement and how renting could play into that process in a positive way.

    Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    1:29 – What we’ve seen

    6:20 – Interest rates

    7:09 – Lifestyle consideration

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

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  • What You Need to Know if You Plan to Retire Early

    Are you in your early 50s and dreaming of retiring early? It’s a feasible goal with the right financial planning but there are milestone ages that you need to take into account.

    Retiring early means different things to different people. For some, it's bowing out before the traditional retirement age, while for others, it's about clocking out permanently while still in their fifties. But regardless of how you define 'early,' there are certain financial considerations that are pivotal in the planning process.

    We’ll lay out the ages you need to know about and the planning that needs to take place as a result.

    Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    2:05 – Age 65

    4:36 – Age 62

    7:10 – Age 59.5

    10:45 – Get a jump on planning

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

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  • Does Retirement Lead to Additional Stress?

    The idea of retirement is one that’s filled with plenty of rest and relaxation, but the reality is stress doesn’t go away. From losing the structure of a daily routine to the challenges of socializing and finding a new purpose, the pitfalls of retirement can certainly increase the stress you’re feeling.

    We heard from someone recently who had this concern about their upcoming transition so we want to address the unexpected stresses that come with leaving the workforce. Here’s the scenario John will discuss:

    I heard someone talking the other day about how stressful life has been for her since she retired. Maybe I'm missing the point of retirement because I thought the idea was to reduce stress. But now I'm second-guessing my plans to retire in about six months. What am I missing?

    Whether you're six months or several years away from retirement, this topic could change the way you approach your golden years.

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

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  • Is Now a Good Time to Buy Gold?

    We’re just a few months away from another election and everyone anticipates it being another year, so what does that mean for your investments? When uncertainty starts to increase, there’s often a strong marketing push for buying gold, but is now a good time to do that?

    Today we’ll answer that question with a discussion on the role of gold in your portfolio as we prepare for election year madness. Uncover the truths behind gold's historical performance and whether it truly is the investment armor against volatile markets.

    This isn’t just a question for election years so let’s break down the truth behind gold as an investment.

    Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 - Intro

    1:19 – Gold’s return over time

    3:50 – The marketing behind buying gold

    5:51 – Apocalypse preparation

    7:39 – ‘This time is different’

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

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  • Should You Move Your Money To Cash?

    As you approach retirement or begin that next stage of life, the financial goals shift to protecting what you’ve saved. There are different ways to accomplish that goal, but with the volatility we’ve seen from the market, does it make sense to move to cash to be safe?

    Here’s the question we’ll tackle in this video:

    I haven’t decided on a specific retirement date yet, but hopefully it will be sometime in the next four years. With all of the recent market volatility, should I just move my retirement savings to cash until everything blows over?

    We’ll provide context for this conversation by looking back at the market in the past few years and then explain how we help people answer this question.

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  • Should I Take Out a Big Life Insurance Policy to Protect My Spouse?

    A common situation that many couples have to face is one spouse being older than the other and worrying about how to protect them financially should something happen. What’s the best way to ensure they are taken care of after you’re gone? Is a big life insurance policy a good option?

    In this video, John will weigh in on this scenario and answer a question that we recently received:

    I’m not planning on dying anytime soon, but my wife is nine years younger than me and I want to be sure that she’s taken care of when I’m gone. Should I take out a big life insurance policy on myself?

    Find out how to determine if life insurance makes sense and what type of policy you might need.

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    7 分
  • Should You Invest Aggressively in Your IRA in Retirement?

    For most people, investing strategies change as you age because you want to protect what you’ve earned rather than chasing bigger returns. But what if you have more than you’ll need for retirement in your IRA? Is that a time when being aggressive makes sense or should you still take a more conservative approach?

    In this video, we’ll be answering a question we recently received with this scenario:

    I’m in my 70s and it doesn’t seem that I’ll be needing any of the money in my IRA, although I do have to take RMDs each year. I know that it breaks all of the rules for someone in their 70s to be an aggressive investor, but since I don’t need the money, it’s ok if I’m aggressive, right?

    Join us as John answers the questions and explains how he would work through this situation with Nina to help her get the most out of her money.

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  • Practical Strategies for Protecting Retirees Against Scams & Fraud

    As much as any other threat, recognizing and avoiding scams has become a necessary skill for today’s retirees to develop. Technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, which makes it more and more difficult to stay on top of the latest scams. This episode will highlight the most common financial scams being used right now to help you better recognize when you’re being targeted.

    Join us as we explore crucial steps you can take to safeguard your financial well-being against the growing tide of scams and identity theft. Learn from real-life stories and gain practical advice to keep your finances secure in this digital era, all from the perspective of a seasoned financial professional.

    Here’s some of what we discuss in this episode:

    0:00 – Intro

    1:56 – Phishing

    6:35 – Government scams

    8:43 – Sweepstakes

    10:30 – Grandparent scams

    13:10 – Romance scams

    16:00 – What to do if you fall victim

    Connect with us:

    Web: https://rosewoodwealthmanagement.com/

    Phone: 919-391-3446

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