
  • S1E8: Our Identity Crisis

    In this conversation, Torie and Bailey discuss their identities as mothers and how it has changed their lives. They talk about the challenges of transitioning from their pre-motherhood selves and the importance of embracing their roles as moms. They also touch on the societal pressure to define oneself based on career or other external factors, and the need to focus on personal values and character instead. Overall, they emphasize the significance of finding contentment and fulfillment in being a mom while also recognizing the multifaceted nature of their identities. In this conversation, Torie and Bailey discuss their identities as mothers and how motherhood has shaped their sense of self. They explore the importance of aligning values in raising children and the deep-rooted characteristics that define who they are. They also discuss the societal pressure to define oneself solely as a mother and the need to embrace the multifaceted nature of their identities. The conversation highlights the self-assurance and growth that comes with motherhood and the challenges of navigating social media's superficiality. Overall, they emphasize the importance of being secure in one's values and finding fulfillment in the role of a mother.

    • Becoming a mother can be a jolt awakening and a huge change in one's identity, especially for young moms who are still figuring out who they are.
    • Being a stay-at-home mom can play a role in how one identifies, as the majority of their time is spent thinking about their children and family.
    • Identifying solely as a mom is okay and can bring contentment, but it's important to also recognize and embrace other aspects of one's identity.
    • Society often focuses on external factors like career or titles to define identity, but it's more important to focus on personal values and character.
    • Finding fulfillment and contentment in being a mom while also exploring and embracing other aspects of one's identity is key to personal growth and happiness. Aligning values is crucial in raising children.
    • Motherhood shapes one's sense of self and identity.
    • Embracing the multifaceted nature of one's identity is important.
    • Motherhood amplifies self-assurance and solidifies personal values.
    • Navigating social media's superficiality can be challenging.
    • Being secure in one's values and finding fulfillment in motherhood is essential.
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    29 分
  • S1E7: Calling all Stepmoms

    The conversation covers the challenges and experiences of step-parenting, including the initial reluctance to be with someone with kids, the transition into a blended family, the complexities of co-parenting, and the impact of custody battles. It also delves into the emotional and practical aspects of being a step-parent, the dynamics of the family, and the legal and financial challenges faced. The conversation delves into the challenges of being a step-parent, navigating high-conflict co-parenting, and the emotional toll it takes. It also explores the impact on family dynamics, personal sacrifices, and the importance of finding peace and setting boundaries. The conversation ends with a call to action for engagement on social media.

    • Initial reluctance to be with someone with kids
    • Transition into a blended family
    • Complexities of co-parenting
    • Emotional and practical aspects of being a step-parent
    • Dynamics of the family
    • Legal and financial challenges in step-parenting Navigating high-conflict co-parenting can be emotionally challenging and may require setting firm boundaries.
    • The impact of family dynamics and personal sacrifices in the context of step-parenting is significant and often overlooked.
    • Finding peace and letting go of control can be essential for the well-being of step-parents in high-conflict situations.
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    43 分
  • S1E6: 20 Questions

    In this episode, Torie and Bailey play a fun game of 'this or that' to get to know each other better. They discuss their daily routines, favorite foods, and self-care practices. They also share their opinions on vaccinations and talk about their guilty pleasures. In this conversation, Bailey and Torie discuss their favorite activities, what they would do with a kid-free weekend, their ideal parenting styles, and funny moments with their kids. They also touch on topics like step-parenting and screen time for children.

    • Getting outside in nature and doing workouts are important self-care practices for Torie while Bailey values alone time
    • Both avoid consuming anything out of plastic and try to buy organic
    • Torie and Bailey have similar "guilty pleasures"
    • Self-care activities can range from going to the spa to having a relaxing bath at home
    • Having a kid-free weekend allows parents to recharge and enjoy some alone time
    • Parenting styles can vary, but it's important to lead with love and set loving boundaries
    • Step-parents can have equal disciplining rights as the bio parent, depending on the family dynamics
    • Screen time for children should be monitored and limited, with a focus on appropriate content
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    50 分
  • S1E5: Mom Rage

    Torie and Bailey discuss mom rage and their personal experiences with it. They talk about the triggers for mom rage, such as lack of sleep and feeling unsupported, and how it manifests in their lives. They share their reactions and coping mechanisms. The conversation highlights the importance of self-awareness and finding ways to regulate intense emotions. Mom rage can be triggered by various factors, including lack of support, hormonal imbalances, and postpartum challenges. It is important for mothers to find healthy outlets to release their anger and frustration. Communication and validation from partners are crucial in managing mom rage. Apologizing and making repairs with children after experiencing mom rage can help them understand that it is not their fault.It is important for mothers to be open with their children about their emotions and to apologize when necessary.

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    40 分
  • S1E4: It's Giving Mother's Day
    Mother's Day, maternal figures, breakfast in bed, social media trend, celebrating all mothers, gardening, outdoor projects, bond between mothers and children
    • Mother's Day should be celebrated for all maternal figures, including grandmothers, aunts, and step-parents.
    • Thoughtful gestures and acts of service, such as breakfast in bed, can make Mother's Day special.
    • The trend on social media that suggests Mother's Day should only be celebrated by mothers currently in the trenches of motherhood is not inclusive and overlooks the importance of all maternal figures.
    • Gardening and outdoor projects can be therapeutic and enjoyable activities on Mother's Day.
    • The bond between mothers and their children is unique and evolves over time.
    • Motherhood is a continuous journey of growth and learning.
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    25 分
  • S1E3: Let's Talk Mom Guilt...


    In this episode, Torie and Bailey discuss the topic of mom guilt. They share their personal experiences and thoughts on the subject, including the influence of social media on mom guilt. They also touch on the guilt associated with step-parenting. Overall, the conversation highlights the common struggles and pressures that mothers face, and the importance of finding ways to release guilt and prioritize self-care. The conversation explores the complex emotions and challenges of being a step-parent and blending families. They discuss the guilt they feel in balancing their own children with their step-children and the difficulties of navigating high-conflict situations. They also touch on the topics of mom rage and the impact of hormones on emotions. The episode ends with a segment on gratitude.

    • Mom guilt is a common struggle for many mothers, and it can be influenced by social media and societal pressures.
    • Mothers often question if they are doing enough and worry about making mistakes in their parenting.
    • It's important to find a balance between seeking advice and support from social media and not letting it overwhelm or contribute to mom guilt.
    • Guilt around parenting choices, such as extracurricular activities and sleep training, can be alleviated by recognizing that every family is different and there is no one-size-fits-all approach.
    • Step-parenting can also come with its own unique set of guilt and challenges, requiring open communication and understanding within the blended family. Step-parenting and blending families involve many layers and challenges.
    • Balancing the needs of your own children with your step-children can lead to feelings of guilt.
    • High-conflict situations can make it difficult to co-parent effectively.
    • Mom rage is a real and often unspoken experience for many mothers.
    • Hormones, especially during breastfeeding, can contribute to emotional fluctuations.
    • Practicing gratitude can help shift perspective and bring positivity to challenging situations.
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    33 分
  • S1E2: Where's the Village?

    Bailey and Torie discuss the importance of creating a virtual village for mothers. They share their own experiences of motherhood and the challenges they faced without a physical support system. They express their desire to connect with other mothers and create a community through their podcast and social media platforms. The conversation highlights the need for solidarity, learning, and growth among mothers, and the power of coming together to uplift and support each other.


    • The pandemic has highlighted the need for a virtual village for mothers who lack a physical support system.
    • Creating a community of like-minded mothers can provide solidarity, learning, and growth opportunities.
    • The virtual village can serve as a platform for mothers to connect, share experiences, and support each other.
    • Motherhood is a journey of self-discovery and finding one's identity beyond being a mother.
    • The virtual village can help mothers navigate the challenges of parenting and find joy in the journey.

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    17 分
  • S1E1: Meet Your Millennial Moms

    In this episode, Torie and Bailey introduce themselves and their podcast, Moments of Motherhood. They discuss their journey to motherhood and their current roles as stay-at-home moms. They emphasize the importance of building a virtual village and creating a space where moms can connect and feel seen and heard. Torie and Bailey share their struggles and joys in motherhood, including the lack of sleep, learning to let go of control, and navigating sibling dynamics. They express gratitude for the newborn phase, the curiosity and love of their children, and the support they receive from friends and family.


    • Building a virtual village is important for moms to connect and feel seen and heard.
    • Motherhood is a journey of both struggles and joys.
    • The newborn phase is cherished for its cuddles and cuteness.
    • Letting go of control and slowing down is a challenge but necessary in motherhood.
    • Sibling dynamics and learning to respond to challenging behaviors are ongoing struggles.
    • Gratitude and being present in the little moments help navigate the challenges of motherhood.
    • Support from friends and family is crucial in pursuing passion projects and personal growth.
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    31 分