『Meditation Mountain』のカバーアート

Meditation Mountain

著者: Guided Meditation
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  • Welcome to Meditation Mountain. Here we produce guided meditations to help you reduce stress, lower anxiety and improve sleep. Our unique guided meditations range from 10 minute to 20 minute meditations. We focus on mindfulness, visualizations and affirmations on a range of subjects such as meditations for stress, anxiety and depression. Meditation benefits are well documented but for those new to meditation we have multiple meditations for beginners including short guided meditations on positive energy, acceptance and forgiveness. Our goal here at Meditation Mountain is to make a positive difference in this world one step at a time. It's so easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, or feel lost. Our hopes are that you use these short guided meditations to help reduce your stress, relieve your anxiety and take a few minutes out of your day to meditate on how you are inside. Taking a moment for yourself to recharge through meditation and using it as a tool to strengthen your mind.
    Guided Meditation
    続きを読む 一部表示
  • Stress Relief Meditation ~ How to Let Go of what you Can't Control

    Our constant quest for control over every aspect of our existence often leads to frustration and anxiety. It's a common struggle to grapple with events and outcomes beyond our reach. However, meditation offers a profound path to peace by teaching us to release our grip on these uncontrollable elements.

    Many of life’s pivotal events, sudden problems, unforeseen circumstances and the actions of others are simply out of our control. The distress that arises from attempting to influence these outcomes can be profound and paralyzing. Meditation introduces a different perspective: acceptance. Through regular practice, we can learn to observe these situations without judgment and to detach from the urge to manipulate outcomes.

    Enhanced Awareness: Meditation cultivates a heightened awareness of the present moment. By focusing on the now and using breathing, sensations and thoughts, we train ourselves to engage with the present without the burden of the past or the anxiety of the future. This presence helps us discern between what can and cannot be controlled.

    Stress Reduction: By calming the mind and body, meditation lowers your levels of stress hormones such as cortisol. This reduction in stress is not only beneficial for our mental health but also for our physical well-being, influencing everything from our heart rate to our immune system.

    Emotional Resilience: Regular meditators often report increased emotional resilience. Meditation equips us with the tools to observe our emotions without becoming overwhelmed by them. This emotional stability helps us face the uncontrollable without succumbing to despair or frustration.

    Improved Acceptance: At the heart of letting go is acceptance. Meditation teaches us to accept reality as it is, rather than as we wish it would be. Through mindfulness meditation, we learn to accept and appreciate our current circumstances, which diminishes the impulse to control everything around us.

    Peace and Contentment: As we become more adept at recognizing the limits of our control, a sense of peace and contentment begins to take root. This isn’t a resignation to fate but a deeper understanding and acceptance of life's ebb and flow. With this acceptance comes a profound sense of serenity that permeates all aspects of life.

    Starting a meditation practice is straightforward and does not require special equipment or extensive training. Here are a few tips to get started:

    Find a Quiet Space: Choose a calm and quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.

    Set a Time Limit: Start with short periods, such as 10 minutes, and gradually increase the duration if needed.

    Focus on Your Breath: Pay attention to your breathing. This focus will anchor you in the present moment and help calm your mind.

    Be Consistent: Consistency is key. Try to meditate at the same time each day to establish a routine.

    Use Guided Meditations: A helpful guide makes starting a regular practice much easier.

    In embracing meditation, we learn not only to let go of the things we cannot control but also to embrace a life of peace and contentment. This shift in perspective is perhaps the most profound benefit of all, offering a path to a fuller, more harmonious existence.

    続きを読む 一部表示
    11 分
  • 15 Minute Body Scan Meditation to Reduce Frustration and Increase Calm
    Finding methods to regain a sense of calm and balance is essential. Body scan meditation, a component of mindfulness practice, offers a powerful tool to alleviate these stressful emotions and restore inner peace. Body scan meditation involves a mental sweep of the body, focusing attention on different parts sequentially from the toes to the top of the head. This practice encourages participants to notice sensations within the body without judgment or reaction, fostering a deep state of relaxation and awareness. Reduction in frustration often arises from our reactions to unmet expectations or uncontrollable circumstances. Body scan meditation helps by shifting focus from external situations to internal sensations. This shift encourages a more measured, mindful reaction to stressors, significantly lowering the intensity of frustration. By regularly practicing body scanning, you can learn to approach frustrating situations with a new perspective, focusing on physical sensations rather than the emotions triggered by external events. The methodical nature of body scan meditation slows down the mind and brings attention to the present moment. This focus on the now, combined with deep breathing often integrated into the practice, calms the nervous system. The physical relaxation induced by the meditation can also signal the brain to release stress-reducing hormones, such as serotonin and dopamine, enhancing feelings of well-being and calm. As practitioners scan their bodies, they become more attuned to subtle cues and sensations, increasing body awareness. This heightened awareness can lead to better recognition of stress signals early on, enabling effective intervention before emotions become overwhelming. Enhanced self-awareness aids in emotional regulation, allowing individuals to manage their feelings more effectively. The relaxing effect of body scan meditation is an excellent remedy for insomnia and restless nights. By calming the mind and body before bedtime, you can transition into sleep smoothly. Moreover, the reduction in overall anxiety levels contributes to improved sleep quality, leading to better overall health and mood. One of the most appealing aspects of body scan meditation is its simplicity and flexibility. It can be practiced anywhere, at any time, without special equipment or extensive training. Whether it’s a few minutes during a lunch break or a longer session at home, even short periods of body scan meditation can provide significant benefits. To begin practicing body scan meditation, find a quiet space where you can relax without interruptions. You can lie down, sit, or even stand if preferred. Start by focusing on the breath to settle your mind and then slowly move your attention through each part of your body. Acknowledge any sensations, thoughts, or emotions that arise, but let them pass without judgment. In conclusion, body scan meditation offers a straightforward, effective way to manage frustration and enhance calm. Its benefits extend beyond immediate relaxation to improved emotional resilience and well-being. By incorporating this practice into your routine, you can step away from daily stressors and towards a more peaceful and mindful state of being.
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    14 分
  • Calming Meditation to Find Inner Peace and Acceptance
    When connecting with our inner selves we use techniques like mindfulness, focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity, to train our attention and awareness, in order to achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm state. One of the primary benefits of meditation is the path it paves to inner peace. In our daily lives, we often find ourselves overwhelmed by external demands such as work, relationships, expectations. These can lead to a cluttered mind, filled with stress and anxiety. Meditation allows us to step back and observe our thoughts rather than being controlled by them. By doing so, we learn to detach from disturbances around us, creating a peaceful mental environment. As you practice regularly, you develop the ability to maintain this sense of calm throughout your daily activities. Alongside fostering peace, meditation is crucial for enhancing self-acceptance. Many of us struggle with critical thoughts towards ourselves and our actions. Through meditation, particularly mindfulness, we learn to observe our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This practice teaches us to accept ourselves as we are, acknowledging our feelings but not being defined by them. Over time, this acceptance extends beyond the self to others, promoting empathy and compassion in our interactions. Scientific studies have consistently shown that meditation can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Techniques like focused attention and controlled breathing help regulate the stress response system in our body. This not only diminishes day-to-day stress but also improves our resilience against new stressors. The reduced anxiety levels contribute to a more peaceful and accepting mindset, enhancing overall well-being. Meditation also sharpens concentration and mindfulness, which contribute to inner peace. Through regular meditation you can improve your ability to focus and reduce mind wandering. This increased focus helps you perform better in all aspects of life, from work to personal relationships. Mindfulness, on the other hand, enhances your present-moment awareness, allowing you to savor life's pleasures as they occur, without attachment to the past or future worries. Consistent meditation offers a gateway to finding inner peace and acceptance. It helps us navigate the complexities of life with a calmer, more focused mind and a compassionate heart. I encourage each of you to dedicate a few minutes daily to meditation. Over time, you will likely notice profound changes not only in your mental and emotional state but in your overall approach to life.
    続きを読む 一部表示
    11 分


Welcome to Meditation Mountain. Here we produce guided meditations to help you reduce stress, lower anxiety and improve sleep. Our unique guided meditations range from 10 minute to 20 minute meditations. We focus on mindfulness, visualizations and affirmations on a range of subjects such as meditations for stress, anxiety and depression. Meditation benefits are well documented but for those new to meditation we have multiple meditations for beginners including short guided meditations on positive energy, acceptance and forgiveness. Our goal here at Meditation Mountain is to make a positive difference in this world one step at a time. It's so easy to become overwhelmed, stressed, or feel lost. Our hopes are that you use these short guided meditations to help reduce your stress, relieve your anxiety and take a few minutes out of your day to meditate on how you are inside. Taking a moment for yourself to recharge through meditation and using it as a tool to strengthen your mind.
Guided Meditation


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