
  • "Southerners forever more"
    In Western Australia where Max’s Island is recorded, we are in the midst of another exciting Aussie Rules football season. At the highest level of AFL, the local scene has featured the strong “on-field” improvement of the Fremantle Dockers and “Harley Hype” is gripping the West Coast Eagles fan base. The local WA Football League also continues to generate incredible community support and be the important “feeder” system for the elite players. But, it wasn’t that long ago when things were compromised by the pandemic and in WA, we experienced an isolation that actually allowed this local competition to continue and provide a real emotional outlet for many…at a time of collective community anxiety. In today’s episode, we reflect on the two occasions Cameron Britt, CEO of the South Fremantle Football Club, visited the island to share his story about his journey in football, how he came to WA and the bizarre times of successfully running a football club during a pandemic.
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  • "It was physically the most difficult thing I've ever done ... it was dangerous ..."
    Following a casual comment at work a few years ago, Dott Dacey and Odette Jordan discovered they both had a hidden desire to not only walk the Kokoda Trail but also absorb the spiritual experiences of those who had gone before them … especially those soldiers who had defended the Australian heritage in WWII. They both challenged themselves to reach the physical and emotional heights of successfully walking Kokoda. Yet, this didn’t happen by chance, it came after a determined period of physical training, a focus on mental preparation and a commitment to support each other through the experience.
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  • and he said ... "the girl wants to create"
    In her later teen years, Jayne Bryant was given a positive affirmation that she was good at singing and performing. It came from a comment made by her brother, to her dad, whilst they were on a family summer holiday. From that moment she had the confidence to really focus on this passion and ultimately make the decision to postpone the completion of her University Science Degree and venture to Melbourne to undertake a one year course in music performance. Much to her mum’s displeasure. During that year in Melbourne her musical skills blossomed and she began to develop into a ‘real’ performer. On her arrival back to Perth, Jayne became immersed in her local music network and took the bold step to begin performing live. Whilst this lifestyle was challenging and ultimately not financially viable or fulfilling, an impressive body of work was created that culminated in an album of all her songs … called “Just as it Should” and released in 2008.
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  • "Don't worry, he's her favourite dog ... and she doesn't think you're good enough"
    Being a lover of pets, and dogs in particular, is something familiar to many of us on Max’s Island. However, few of us go so far as to dedicate a big part of our lives to making sure ALL dogs have the best possible life. Karen Rhodes was introduced to Homer at the Shenton Park Dogs Home many years ago and that relationship became deep and loving through a mutual bond between them. Homer was a big, strong masculine dog … but with a heart of gold and a loving disposition … and he became the companion Karen needed at the time. She could always depend on him.
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  • "He's the only boy in the world with Duchenne and PHPV ... there is no other person in the world ...got both conditions"
    Barry Mone is just like any dad … he’ll do anything for his children. Since late 2017, when his son Charlie had just turned 8, Barry and his family have been on a crusade. Around this time, through a series of circumstances and even observations of others … including a lady who they met at the local park … Charlie was diagnosed with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) — an incurable and ultimately fatal condition caused by a lack of dystrophin protein. Charlie had earlier in life been diagnosed with Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV) … a common congenital developmental anomaly of the eye that causes a level of blindness, so when his “Duchenne” was diagnosed … life became more complicated. As Charlie is the only “boy” in the world with both conditions.
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  • "It was the 9/9/99 ... as Dame Edna would say ... a very spooky date, darling"
    Charlie Gunningham was a little uncertain about the long term future of his teaching career in the late 1990’s. But, like many changes in life, there was a sequence of events … some unplanned and generally not expected, that eventually catapulted his professional life from teaching to something totally different … the tech world of digital real estate. This mixture of influential events included completing an MBA, connecting with an American “hedge fund” manager and entrepreneur who had found himself in Perth WA, investing in untried mapping technology … and even being on stage with his wife at a Dame Edna Everage show at the Regal Theatre in Subiaco WA. And … all of this coming together just as the world wide tech bubble was about to burst.
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  • "I was given the opportunity ... I was allowed to go into the police files"
    Estelle Blackburn OAM, is an acclaimed journalist with a career that has included working for WA Newspapers, the ABC and as a media advisor for Carmen Lawrence, Western Australia’s first female State Premier. However, for this Walkley Award winner, perhaps her greatest achievement has been the impact made on the lives two men, wrongly imprisoned for crimes committed by Eric Edger Cooke, WA’s last man hanged in Fremantle Prison. A chance meeting with the brother of John Button, one of these falsely convicted men, sent Estelle on the passionate pursuit for truth and the quest to right the wrongs of these injustices. And this included giving up her full time job and selling an investment house to fund this journey.
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  • "Oh, they weren't shocked ... I don't think I can do anything to shock them"
    Pat O’Donnell is a couple of years through her graduate degree at Notre Dame University in Fremantle WA. Like many new university students, she started with an initial subject choice, but also like many, that has now evolved and a double major is likely to result…there’s even talk of an Honours year and additional studies. This current journey and the planned outcomes sound typical of any new student embarking on a tertiary education…It’s just that Pat began this journey at 83 years of age.
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