
  • How to Grow Healthy Self-Esteem in Kids, Part 1

    How do you nourish self-esteem in children that's Christ-centered?

    How do you avoid the extremes of arrogance or insecurity?

    While there are no guaranteed-outcome formulas, there are principles.

    In Part 1, I share three practices you can apply at any age. I unpack:

    1. What treating children with dignity looks like
    2. When to affirm and when to applaud
    3. Why intentional attention is crucial and how technology complicates this

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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  • When Success Threatens

    Let's be honest.

    Our success isn't always met with cheers -- especially from those closest to us.

    Let's be courageously honest and admit our initial response to other people's success may not always be applause, either. Why?


    In whatever area of insecurity, loss, disappointment, or pain we have, we're tempted to resent more than respect someone else's success in that area.

    We can learn from Nehemiah's experience. He led a team that pulled off an astounding project -- only to be met with jeers and threats. We can follow his example, however, and not be dismayed by this.

    We can also learn not to follow his enemies' example. Instead, we can become people who live with an abundance mentality. This requires actively taking three steps:

    1. Identify why we feel threatened or envious or pained by someone else’s success.

    2. Align our thoughts with what’s true about ourself and someone else.

    3. Act in alignment with that truth.

    Over time when we walk this out, we will become people of grace and gratitude, greater security, and better positioned to receive God's blessings with thankfulness and humility. If not, we will become ungracious, closed, and embittered.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Book Stephanie to speak to your women, parents, Christian educators, and students.












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  • Avoiding One of the Worst Parenting Practices

    What masquerades as “Biblical” teaching that is anything but?

    What motivates – and sabotages – the best-intentioned parents?

    Fear – especially when the world is a scary place.

    Learn how to avoid three common false antidotes to fear.

    Recognize the eight warning signs fear may be motivating you – in one or more areas.

    Hear how to face and replace fear with what works in the long-haul.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Check out speaking engagements for women's gatherings, parenting conferences, and Christian education events.












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  • The Four-Letter Word that Must Be Said

    Fear is a four-letter word for a reason.

    It’s one of the most destructive forces on the planet. It’s also one of the most subtle.

    But conquering it requires us to say its name. We call it what it is.

    The difficulty is fear doesn’t always show up clothed in a monster outfit. Sometimes it dresses like our best friend and invites us to dinner.

    In today’s episode we see:

    • Opponents don’t give up

    • Just because someone changes methods doesn’t mean they’ve changed motives

    • Differences between overt and covert fears

    • Five ways to respond when people try to make you afraid

    Fear doesn’t have to distract or destroy you. You can defeat it!

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Check out speaking engagements for women's gatherings, parenting conferences, and Christian education events.












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  • Raising All Kids to Lead

    It's not just "popular, charismatic, extroverted, or beautiful" kids who need to be raised to be leaders. Leadership is about character, not personality or physical traits.

    Learn six characteristics to intentionally develop in each child following the example of Nehemiah and Christ.

    • Being content with less than what a person can obtain or afford
    • Standing up for others
    • The actions that develop genuine compassion
    • The importance of getting their hands dirty
    • Valuing the need for integrity over the right to privacy
    • Asking for affirmation

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Check out speaking engagements for women's gatherings, parenting conferences, and Christian education events.











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  • Superb Leader or Effective Tyrant?

    Just because a leader is "effective" doesn't make them superb.

    History shows "effective" tyrants can harmful tyrants.

    What makes the difference between a superb leader or a harmful tyrant?

    We'll examine six principles for distinguishing the difference. Whether the leader is you or someone else, in a paid position, volunteer capacity, or role within your family.

    You'll see the importance in noticing the difference in asking, "What can I get" to "What do I need?" You'll be observant about whether someone is aware or disinterested in what it's like to be the "boots on the ground." You'll spot the red flag when transparency has to be requested or demanded.

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Check out speaking engagements for women's gatherings, parenting conferences, and Christian education events.












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  • The Danger of Overemphasizing Respect for Authority

    All of parenting (and life) is lived in a state of tension.

    Not the kind of tension that comes from endless laundry, sibling squabbles, and sassy kiddos. But tension between two truths that must be held in balance.

    Teaching kids to respect leaders while being aware leaders can manipulate, exploit, and abuse, is definitely one of those tensions.

    Learn five practices to navigate this tight-rope successfully!

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Check out speaking engagements for women's gatherings, parenting conferences, and Christian education events.












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  • Recovering from Leaders Who Fail

    Three words scare me. "God told me."

    Why? Because those words began a life-changing, one-sided discussion from a person in a position of spiritual authority which devastated my heart.

    I understand "church hurt" from experience.

    How do we recover from leadership failures? We have examples in the Bible because leadership failure is nothing new. Continuing our dive into the Old Testament book of Nehemiah, we'll look at:

    • Living from a values mindset vs. an outcome approach
    • Why the core compass of truth is necessary to recover from and prevent leadership abuse
    • Speaking up until the situation changes
    • Distinguishing between individuals and institutions
    • Why rebuilding trust must follow behavior, not precede it
    • Resisting the desire for revenge
    • Choosing to let your response define you, not someone else's behavior

    Empower yourself and your family to engage fully in God’s grand story. Subscribe to Hi(Impact) at Stephanie Presents for insights, encouragement, and practical resources!

    Check out speaking engagements for women's gatherings, parenting conferences, and Christian education events.












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