
  • The Energy of Money (Manifest More Money)

    We have all heard about manifesting more money using the law of attraction, but I don't think people talk about money from the perspective of how it is energy and how to shift this energy in the direction you would like.

    In this podcast I talk about the energy money holds and how your view of this energy both positive or negative can be affecting the amount of money you are able to manifest to you. I give examples and exercises you can start right now to shift the energy of money in your life and make it move in a positive direction so you can attract more money and abundance into your life.

    I hope you find this podcast helpful and healing.

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  • Deep Dive Into Twin Flame Connections

    Twin flames ever heard of this? Many of my clients come to me wanting to learn about twin flame connections, more so they want to know if they are in a twin flame connection and what to do about it.

    In this podcast I do a deep dive and share my experiences and what I have learned doing twin flame readings for over 20 years.

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  • Being An Empath

    Are you often told that you are too sensitive or that you feel things too deeply? Welcome to the world of being an empath! Being an empath means having the ability to feel and experience the emotions of others as if they were your own.

    A lot of my clients are empaths and have a tricky time navigating this world as one. In this podcast I discuss how you can live life to the fullest and use your empath gifts while protecting yourself and your energy in the process.


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  • Psychic Pet Readings

    Have you ever wanted to know what your pet was thinking? Or did you want to know if you've had a psychic bond from the past with your furry friend? In this podcast I break down a bit about psychic pet readings and discuss what they are and how they can help you and your pet become even closer in your life.

    I hope this podcast is helpful and healing for you.


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  • Getting Over Insecurities

    Insecurities, we all have them. The only difference between someone who succeeds and one who hasn't yet, is that they haven't learned the right mindset yet to get over the insecurities and move past them.

    In this new podcast, I discuss the strategies I've given my clients during our psychic readings to help them get over their insecurities and manifest their destiny.

    I hope this podcast is helpful and healing for you.


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  • Q and A with C Psychic Readings

    A lot of my clients ask me questions about being a psychic and what the process is like for me. In this podcast I answer some of the most requested questions I get and I also share the best way to prepare for your psychic reading.


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  • The Dos and Don'ts of Dating

    “C I finally met him. You predicted I would meet this man a while ago and I finally met him!” This is something I hear a lot from my psychic clients. Now while this sounds easy enough it’s not an instant trick or fix.

    Many times in my psychic readings a lot of the work is helping my clients prepare to receive their partner. I always tell people that once you are ready they show up. So if you’re not ready to meet the right person and there is still emotional and spiritual work to be done, that's the work.

    In addition to helping my clients find their love I help them get ready for love, and part of that is giving them not just the spiritual guidance but the expertise I’ve learned through reading for so many others all around the world who have questions about how to meet the right partner, how to get out of a bad relationship, and how not to make the same mistakes in the future.

    In this podcast I talk about the Dos and Don’ts of Dating to hopefully help you find your perfect match.


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  • How to Have a Fresh Start in 2024

    Happy New Year 2024! This is a great time to think about not how to set resolutions but instead how you can have a fresh start for this upcoming year so you can make real change in your life.

    In this podcast I discuss how you can truly start anew and fresh to give yourself that true beginning of the year you're seeking so you can make 2024 your best year yet!

    You can order a psychic reading or learn more about C on her website:


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