
  • The Source of Our Righteousness: Faith in Jesus (feat Sean Heaning)


    In this conversation, Ryan and Sean discuss the importance of not dwelling on the past and instead focusing on moving forward in Christ. They reference Philippians 3, where Paul encourages believers to forget what is behind and press on toward the goal of knowing Christ. They emphasize that our righteousness comes from faith in Jesus, not from our own achievements or failures. They also touch on the Trinity, explaining that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are inseparable and eternal. They address questions about the Trinity by pointing to various scriptures that testify to the triune nature of God. Finally, they explore the concept of Christ's submission to the Father in 1 Corinthians 15, seeing it as an act of love and reverence.

    In this conversation, Ryan and Sean discuss the deity of Christ, the assurance of salvation, and the response to God's grace. They emphasize that Jesus is God and that His sacrifice on the cross is sufficient for the forgiveness of sins. They also highlight the role of the Holy Spirit in testifying to our adoption as children of God. The conversation concludes with a discussion on how to receive salvation and how to live a life that honors God.


    moving forward, past, Philippians 3, righteousness, faith, Trinity, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, submission, deity of Christ, assurance of salvation, response to grace, forgiveness of sins, Holy Spirit, adoption, salvation, Christian life


    • Don't let the enemy pull you into dwelling on the past; focus on moving forward in Christ.
    • Our righteousness comes from faith in Jesus, not from our own achievements or failures.
    • The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are inseparable and eternal, testifying to the triune nature of God.
    • Christ's submission to the Father in 1 Corinthians 15 is an act of love and reverence. Jesus is God and His sacrifice on the cross is sufficient for the forgiveness of sins.
    • The Holy Spirit testifies to our adoption as children of God.
    • Salvation is a gift of God's grace and cannot be earned or maintained by our own efforts.
    • Believing in Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit is the first step towards salvation.
    • Living a godly life is a response to God's grace and a way to honor Him.
    • God desires all people to be reconciled to Him and offers salvation to anyone who believes in Jesus.

    Sound Bites

    • "Not letting the enemy pull us into thinking about the past, not looking in the rearview mirror when that's not the direction we're going, we're moving forward."
    • "Forgetting those things which are behind, which are in my past, which are in the rearview mirror."
    • "The Lord will bring people into your life that can support you with where he has you in your walk right now."
    • "Wonderful counselor, the mighty God."
    • "He foreknew us as sons."
    • "Salvation is not something that we could earn or merit or deserve or maintain ourselves."


    00:00 Introduction and Personal Reflections

    06:18 The Source of Our Righteousness: Faith in Jesus

    12:53 The Mystery of the Trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

    26:11 The Role of the Holy Spirit

    32:38 The Power of the Blood of Jesus

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    46 分
  • The Bible vs. Intrusive Thoughts (feat Franco Aceto)


    In this conversation, Ryan and Franco discuss the importance of studying and relying on the Word of God. They emphasize the need to read and study the Bible, particularly the King James version, to gain wisdom and understanding. They also highlight the importance of interpreting the Bible correctly and not relying solely on human interpretations.

    The conversation then shifts to the topic of intrusive thoughts and anxiety, with Franco providing verses that encourage casting down imaginations and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. They emphasize that nothing is impossible with God and that relying on Him can help overcome mental health struggles. In this conversation, Franco and Ryan discuss the topic of intrusive thoughts and how to combat them using the Word of God.

    They explore the order of thoughts and the importance of discerning which thoughts are from God and which are from the enemy. They analyze the encounter between Jesus and the devil in the wilderness, highlighting the pattern of the devil attacking with doubt immediately after God speaks. They also emphasize the power of using scripture to combat intrusive thoughts and the importance of casting all worries and anxieties upon God.


    Bible, Word of God, King James version, study, interpretation, wisdom, understanding, intrusive thoughts, anxiety, mental health, reliance on God, intrusive thoughts, combat, Word of God, discernment, order of thoughts, doubt, scripture, worries, anxieties


    • Studying and relying on the Word of God is essential for gaining wisdom and understanding.
    • Interpreting the Bible correctly is important, and the King James version is recommended for serious study.
    • Intrusive thoughts and anxiety can be overcome by casting down imaginations and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.
    • Nothing is impossible with God, and relying on Him can help overcome mental health struggles. Discerning the source of thoughts is crucial in combating intrusive thoughts. Whatever thought comes first is usually from God.
    • The devil often attacks with doubt immediately after God speaks. His goal is to deceive and create uncertainty.
    • Jesus sets an example for dealing with intrusive thoughts by responding with scripture and not veering from the truth.
    • Worrying adds nothing to our lives and is not productive. We can cast all our worries and anxieties upon God.
    • Knowing the Word of God and understanding proper context is essential in discerning the enemy's misuse of scripture.


    00:00 Introduction and Franco's Teaching Method

    33:00 Bridge to the Topic: Intrusive Thoughts

    43:11 The Pattern of Intrusive Thoughts

    56:10 Casting Worries and Anxieties upon God

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    1 時間 8 分
  • Faith over Fear (feat Franco Aceto)


    In this episode, Ryan and Franco discuss the theme of faith over fear. They share their personal experiences with battling the spirit of fear and emphasize the importance of relying on God's Word to combat fear.

    They explore the battlefield of the mind and the need to cast down vain imaginations. The power of faith is highlighted, and practical steps for cultivating faith are discussed. The episode concludes with a prayer for faith and courage.


    • Fear is not from God and can be overcome through faith.
    • The battlefield of the mind is where fear takes hold, and it is important to cast down vain imaginations.
    • Faith comes by hearing the Word of God, and it is through faith that we are saved.
    • Trusting in God and His promises brings peace and courage.
    • Prayer is a powerful tool for strengthening faith and overcoming fear.


    00:00 Introduction and Theme

    00:43 Exposing the Spirit of Fear

    03:22 The Battlefield of the Mind

    04:07 Trusting in Christ, Not Our Own Understanding

    05:19 Casting Down Vain Imaginations

    06:27 Bringing Every Thought into Captivity

    07:47 Confidence in God's Work

    09:16 Resisting Fear and Standing in Faith

    10:14 Identifying Fear and Cultivating Faith

    13:46 Rest and Trust in God

    14:17 Contrasting Fear and Faith

    16:12 The Power of Faith

    25:52 Prayer for Faith and Courage

    41:20 Closing and Thanks

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    41 分
  • Adoption to Sonship (feat Sean Heaning)


    In this conversation, Ryan and Sean discuss the concept of adoption to sonship and the role of faith in the believer's life. They emphasize that salvation is not based on works, but on faith in the finished work of Christ.

    They highlight the importance of understanding one's identity in Christ and the freedom that comes from knowing that salvation is a gift that cannot be taken away. They also address the misconception of once saved, always saved and the need to experience God's grace in order to overcome fear and condemnation.

    Overall, the conversation emphasizes the power of the gospel and the unchanging love of God. In this conversation, Ryan and Sean discuss the importance of faith and obedience in the Christian walk. They emphasize the need to renew the mind with the word of God and the significance of having correct doctrine.

    They also explore the covenant and promise to Abraham and how salvation is based on promise, not the law. The conversation highlights the struggle of living righteously in the flesh and the importance of experiencing grace and overcoming sin.

    They encourage listeners to preach the gospel to themselves and enjoy the inheritance they have in Christ. Ultimately, they emphasize the need to believe in Jesus for salvation.


    • Salvation is not based on works, but on faith in the finished work of Christ.
    • Understanding one's identity in Christ is crucial for experiencing freedom and walking in the Spirit.
    • Salvation is a gift that cannot be taken away, and believers can have assurance of their standing before God.
    • Experiencing God's grace and overcoming fear and condemnation is essential for living a life of faith. Faith and obedience are essential in the Christian walk.
    • Renewing the mind with the word of God is crucial for spiritual growth.
    • Having correct doctrine is important for a proper understanding of Jesus and His love.
    • Salvation is based on promise, not the law.
    • Experiencing grace and overcoming sin is possible through the power of God.
    • Pleasing God and enjoying fellowship with Him brings joy and peace.
    • Believing in Jesus is the only way to receive salvation.

    Sound Bites

    00:00 Introduction and Background

    02:32 Understanding Adoption to Sonship

    06:29 Our Responsibility in the Adoption to Sonship

    09:46 Operating by Faith and Not by Works

    12:10 Assurance of Salvation

    14:21 The Power of the Gospel and Religious Mindsets

    16:05 Once Saved, Always Saved

    20:22 Experiencing God's Grace and Overcoming Fear

    22:52 The Danger of Performance-Based Thinking

    25:20 The Gift of Salvation and Identity in Christ

    26:27 God's Unchanging Love and Grace

    27:04 Faith and Obedience

    28:20 Renewing the Mind with the Word

    30:09 The Importance of Correct Doctrine

    31:15 Understanding Jesus and His Love

    32:12 The Covenant and Promise to Abraham

    33:29 Salvation by Promise, Not by the Law

    36:36 Living Righteously in the Flesh?

    39:22 Experiencing Grace and Overcoming Sin

    41:52 Preaching the Gospel to Ourselves

    44:31 Receiving Grace and Enjoying the Inheritance

    46:00 Pleasing God and Enjoying Fellowship

    48:57 Believing in Jesus for Salvation

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    54 分