
  • Everything will be okay.

    That's what He's teaching you.

    That's what He's always shown you.

    Everything will be okay.

    Everything IS okay.

    "I am not meant to be filled by anything other than the very one who breathed life into me...

    Everything else leaves me feeling empty for good reason."

    Only God satisfies.

    Everything is Grace.

    Even the seeming negative situations,

    the problems that are in your life right now.

    If it weren't for those,

    you wouldn't be here.

    You wouldn't be turned within.

    You wouldn't be trying to hear.

    You wouldn't be trying to get out,

    to get free.

    So say, "Thank you, God, thank you."

    And then say nothing,

    and you don't say anything inside either.

    And the Bell rings,

    and the Lesson starts,

    and His Blessings flow.

    I love you,


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    "Everything will be okay." - Majarajji

    "The advent of the Word
    Its wisdom meditates upon the Word.
    Its teaching speaks him forth
    Its acquaintance has revealed (him).d
    Its forbearance is a crown upon him.
    Its joy is in harmony with him.

    Its glory has exalted him.
    Its manner has manifested him.
    Its repose has taken him to itself.
    Its love has clothed him with a body.
    Its faith has guarded him." - Gospel of Truth

    "He is at the same time residence and resident, existing at the same time everywhere and nowhere remaining in himself, alone in himself alone. Since he is one in its simplicity, he nevertheless interiorly unites in himself these three powers: universal existence, universal life, and Blessedness; but all these are one, even a simple one, and it is predominantly in the power of being -1.e., Existence -that the powers of Life and Blessedness exist, for that by which it is and exists is the power of Existence, and this is also the power of Life and Blessedness."- Zorstrianos

    -Diary of St. Faustina

    "You're not meant to be fulfilled by anything other than the very One who breathed life into you. Everything else leaves us feeling empty for good reason. Only Jesus satisfies." - @Faithfulfootprints

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  • God is giving you a higher status.

    He's calling you,

    can you hear It?

    He's calling your real Name.

    Silence is your real Name.


    and soften.

    This SIlence,

    this Love,

    is our Light.

    It guides our steps.

    It clears and smooths the path.

    It builds our mansions.

    It's built this seeming future you're stepping into.

    That's s not fear you're feeling.

    That's how you used to label it.

    It's excitement.

    (Y)our body is gearing up for what it can't imagine,

    what it can't see yet,

    but it will,

    because you're feeling it into view.

    I love you,


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    "My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and you will understand the hope given to you." -Ephesians 1:18

    Now we come to the question, "What is the truth?"
    In very simple words, the truth is that God loves us.This is the truth: he created us because he loves us. It is his love that has created us. He looks after us. He protects us. He guides. He gives us our evolution as a human being and then he gives us a higher status, a higher consciousness by which we know his powers, and the powers flow through us." - Sri Sri Nirmala Devi

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  • Be(yond) Here Now

    You've been feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders,

    and yet you have no shoulders.

    And there is no world.

    Be(come) Light.

    Just for this moment,

    leave that body where it is,

    and be beyond 'here' with me.

    This is no longer 'be here now'.

    This is 'Be BEYOND here, now'.

    Because even 'here' is a concept.

    Even 'here' we are imagining.

    Here is not here.

    And you know what takes you beyond here?


    What can you hear beyond here,

    beyond that room,

    that space you appear to be in?

    Listen for what's beyond it.

    As if everything you see is a veil,

    including 'you'.

    Come out,

    of that mind,

    of that form,

    in Jesus' Name.

    I Love you,


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    "I am the power that is in the body." - Sri Ranjit Maharaj

    "Be here now." - Ram Dass

    "Do you see that we as human beings in the flesh are still in the womb of creation?
    This is the womb; we haven't been born yet. When we come out of me, when me dies, and I is born, we are reborn of the Spirit. We begin our New Horizon. We see His universe instead of the world of our limited human minds. We see His universe where only harmony exists. We see with a Christ Mind, the reborn mind and we see what Is, instead of what we have imagined to be. We walk through the visions of this false mind and we see: His love, His peace, His truth, His universe, His creation, His being. We see God face to face. There is no God and me. There is no God and you. There never has been. And only when you and me are dead does our real Self come into the experience of God Being." - Herb Fitch, Infinite Way Book Study

    "How sad it is when someone comes to you looking for Jesus and all they see is you." - St. Theresa of Calcutta

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  • Affirm: My life has shifted immensely.

    Robert Adams says that you should start feeling the Silence as God.

    Say thank you to It.

    Say, 'thank you God',

    without saying 'thank you, God'.

    Just feel gratitude

    Feel it strongly.

    Stir it,

    and then let it settle,

    back into (t)His Gratitude that's always here.

    This quiet Gratitude,

    This quiet Love.

    This quiet Conversation we are having.

    Even when you exit this app,

    I'm forever saying, 'I love you',

    we are forever chatting.


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    "Learn to love the silence.
    Treat the silence as a beautiful entity. As the divine mother, Shakti. The silence is all power. Never take the silence for granted.
    You should start feeling the silence as God. Feel good when you are in the silence.
    Up to now many of you have believed that silence is nothing. It is a divine nothingness. Remember it's out of the silence that everything comes. When you return to the silence this is actually a self-surrender.
    You are surrendering your ego, your lifestyle, your karma, everything is surrendered to the silence.
    Remember never believe that silence is a waste of time. Just as we realize now space is really consciousness. There is no such thing as space. It appears to be space but it's really consciousness. In the same way, the silence is consciousness. It's a living entity. It's alive, it's reality.
    Therefore, sit in the silence and rejoice." - Robert Adams

    The Hindu scriptures tell us that if for one night and one day, without a moment's interruption, a devotee talks to God with intense devotion, He will respond."
    - Paramahansa Yogananda

    "My past was riddled with outside influence. I depended on my circumstances to define my existence. But things have changed. Even if there's heaviness around me, there's self-sustaining peace within me. I move to the beat of my own energy because I own my energy. Im aware that my happiness, my peace, my successes are all inside jobs. I recognize that the subtle nuances in my environment are created by what I'm emitting. Not the other way around. My life has shifted immensely. I am eternally and undoubtedly grateful for this never ending transition.

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  • You have to choose your Self this time.

    This is the way.

    Can you see that?

    Can you see that nothing is ever wrong?

    Can you see that nothing ever happened?

    That nobody is here?

    Not even me,

    not even you?

    Not even the person(s) you are trying to help?

    Can you stay repeating, 'Only Love is here", today,

    knowing that you are that Love,

    that you are that Christ,

    that you are that Light?


    I Love You,


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    "I don't care how difficult you think it is you have to choose yourself this time."
    - @marinaaimeepoetry

    "Maintain a conscious state of God consciousness, come what may, despite all appearance to the contrary. Exercise the discipline to stay in God. That's it. Be God consciousness. Then we do not even have to take one thought about person, thing or condition, and we mustn't."
    - Paul F. Gorman

    "As you enter this space, may you receive the gifts you were meant to receive and may you give the gifts you were meant to give." - unknown

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  • God Promises to Strengthen You Through This #GMweekends

    No matter how bare things may look right now,

    or how scorching hot it may be,

    the Fruit is promised,

    and you'll have plenty to share.

    Trust This.

    And smile.

    I Love you,



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    Today's Quotes:

    “But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord,
    whose confidence is in him.
    They will be like a tree planted by the water
    that sends out its roots by the stream.
    It does not fear when heat comes;
    its leaves are always green.
    It has no worries in a year of drought,
    and never fails to bear fruit.”
    -Jeremiah 17: 7-8

    "God promises to strengthen you through this."
    -IG @HerTrueWorth

    "See God with open eyes."
    -Sri Ramakrishna

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  • Drop the World #GMweekends

    As your God reception grows stronger, you drop the world. You drop all calls but the One. The true Calling. The one that God has on your life. The One that shall cause you to walk in His commandments, and do Go(o)d works, greater works than you can imagine. Be receptive, today. Be Love, today.

    I Love you,


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    Today's Quotes:

    "This body was given to you so that you can discover your true nature, the origin of all, the one unborn Self.
    ...For this single purpose you have appeared into manifestation, to solve yourself by dissolving the you which is the non-self, and thereafter to effortlessly celebrate your discovery as Peace, Love, Light and Joy."

    "Always remember, nothing can touch you if you inwardly love God."

    "What can you do about something that isn't there? All you can do is stop believing that it's there."
    -Bob Pilato

    "The entire spiritual life is based on the rejection of appearances."
    -Joel Goldsmith

    "We must experience the Christ as a permanent and continuous dispensation. We must live in the constant, conscious awareness of truth active within, maintaining always a receptive attitude... "
    -Joel Goldsmith, The Infinite Way (Prayer)

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  • The aim of all spiritual practices is to hear (t)His Sound.

    The aim of all practices is to hear The Sound,

    because even just listening for this ringing Sound,

    even if you can't hear It,

    what do you hear?



    Not thoughts.

    When you just stop and try to see if you can hear the Sound of all sounds.

    the Sound that sounds come from,

    you're not thinking,

    which means you're not afraid.

    You're no longer afraid,

    and light will shine on the road ahead of you.

    You will succeed at what you have chosen to do,

    because He chose it for you.

    He's doing it through you.

    It is done.

    It was finished before you started.

    It's already here.


    I love you,


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    "You will succeed in whatever you choose to do, and light will shine on the road ahead of you. If people are in trouble and you say, ‘Help them,’ God will save them.: - Job 22:28-29

    "And I assure you that the time is coming, indeed it's here now, when the dead will hear my voice—the voice of the Son of God. And those who listen will live." - John 5:25

    "Patanjali declares in the Yoga Sutras that the manifesting symbol for God is Om, nadam, supreme music. According to the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the Supreme yogic state is achieved when the nadam or cosmic sound can be heard. The aim of all Hatha Yoga practices is to hear this sound. The practices of yoga should result in a sound body and a sound mind. The true meaning of this goes far beyond the usual understanding of physical and mental health. A truly sound body and mind is tuned to the cosmic vibration. In verse 100 of the fourth chapter in the Hatha Yoga Pradipika we find this sutra: "When one hears the nadam, the quintessence of which is the supreme, the mind then becomes one with that supreme object and is dissolved in it. The ability to listen is essential for God-realization." - Shannon Gannon

    "You must try to pray so that, in your prayer, you open yourself in such a way that sometime--perhaps not today, but sometime-you are able to hear God say to you,
    " love you!" These words, addressed to you by God, are the most important words you will ever hear because, before you hear them, nothing is ever completely right with you, but after you hear them, something will be right in your life at a very deep level." -Ronald Rolheiser

    "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." -2 Timothy 1:7

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