
  • Are the Palestinians Cursed By God?

    Are the Palestinian people cursed by God? For many Evangelical, Protestant American Christians, the answer is yes, for according to Genesis 12, all nations must bless Israel or be cursed by God. But what does Genesis 12 say? The way this chapter has been used by the Christians who stand with Israel is scandalous, it is fraudulent, and it is without merit. We are free, to stand with whomever we want, but the Bible nowhere prevents us from standing for children, women, and the victims of war. The promises of God do not contradict his character.

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    54 分
  • What are the consequences of Genocide in Gaza?

    What are the consequences of genocide in Gaza? What is happening in this conflict and how can we understand it from a Christian perspective? What do the genocide accounts of the Hebrew Bible tell us today about the identity of God?

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    54 分
  • Is Israel engaged in Genocide in Gaza?

    Is Israel engaged in Genocide in Gaza? Netanyahu invoked an ancient story and invited a cycle of retaliation. The genocide accounts in the Hebrew Bible are at the heart of Israel's identity and yet, are deeply troubling, both in terms of understanding ourselves and God.

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    40 分
  • Does God support genocide in Gaza?

    Does God support genocide in Gaza? Why do so many American Protestants stand with Israel and against Palestinians? What is Exemption Theology and why is it important to understand what it is and what drives it? Why does America really stand with the state of Israel? Join Dr Michael J. Sutton in episode 2 of this fourth series of Freedom Matters Today, titled 'Does God Stand with Israel?' Freedom Matters Today looks at freedom from a Christian perspective.

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    26 分
  • Does God Stand with Israel?

    As of May 2024, around 40,000 people have been killed in the Gaza War, many thousands of them women and children. There are protests around the world, especially on hundreds of campuses around America and Australia, as well as in Europe. Many Christians are lining up to show their loyalty to the state of Israel because they believe that God demands it. But does he? Many Christians argue that anyone who do not stand with the state of Israel stand against God. But does this opinion resonate with the Bible? Join Dr. Michael J. Sutton as he asks the question, does God stand with Israel?

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    24 分
  • Where is Jesus now?

    Welcome to Freedom Matters Today and the last episode in our third podcast series titled 'Who is Jesus?' We have been looking at the identity of Jesus, or God's pronouns. This series is now available in book form from Amazon. Join Dr. Michael J. Sutton as he asks the question 'Where in Jesus now?'

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    13 分
  • Why did Jesus die?

    Why did Jesus Die? Join Dr. Michael J. Sutton for this latest episode in his series on the identity of Jesus. Freedom Matters Today looks at freedom from a Christian perspective.

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    25 分
  • Who holds the universe together?

    On this special Christmas broadcast of Freedom Matters Today, Dr. Michael J. Sutton asks the question: who holds the universe together? Freedom Matters Today looks at freedom from a Christian perspective.

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    26 分