
  • The Death (and breakup) Episode

    Death is a BIG subject for all of us, since we all (or at least most of us) will get to experience it some day. Join us as we delve into "the other side", "transitioning", and life. Hear our thoughts on loss, grief, healing, and living fully. Plus, bonus tips on how to heal from breakups and broken relationships!

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    59 分
  • Memo: You ARE unconditional love

    Guess what: you ARE love! You are unconditional love from start to finish (even though there is no beginning or end). Remembering this automatically helps open you up to more easily to giving and receiving love, both from yourself and the rest of the world around you. Manifest love. Love yourself!

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    46 分
  • Stuck? Unstick yourself now!

    We all get stuck sometimes; we’re human after all. Understanding why will help us get to the “how” when it comes to unsticking ourselves. Hear our thoughts, ideas, and shared learnings in this week’s podcast!

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    52 分
  • Ask and it is given

    We are energetically “asking” for things from the universe in every moment. And in every moment, the universe delivers. This is manifesting! Great. So, while our conscious thoughts and desires are heard, it’s our energetic output (aka emotional state of being) that is the language of the universe. In other words, if you are feeling satisfied, the universe will deliver more things for you to feel satisfied about. If you are feeling stressed, the universe will deliver more things for you to feel stressed about. Becoming more conscious and aware of how you are feeling in every moment is the key to pulling in all of the awesomeness you desire and deserve!

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    59 分
  • Awareness is a gift

    Awareness is a superpower. It leads to deeper levels of wisdom, empowerment, and fulfillment. Awareness of what, you may ask? Listen to find out!

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    56 分
  • Perspective is everything!

    Regardless of your circumstances, your perception of and expectations for what those circumstances are is what matters most when it comes to gettin' your "happy" on. Hint: Perception changes your vibration and vibration is "attractive" (the universe is one big YES).

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    40 分
  • Trust yo' self!

    How many times in life have you found yourself saying “I knew I should have ___ (fill in blank)!”? Learning to hear, feel, and trust those internal instincts and then making choices based on them is one of the greatest forms of self-love.

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    45 分
  • Feelings and emotions are magic tools!

    Feelings and emotions are where it’s at! We’re kinda obsessed with this topic. Learn our take on what they’re for and how to use them - ALL of them - to help you achieve greatness.

    Visit our website: https://www.flowgetter.com/

    Music: "Intro Music Summer canvas" by Andy_Gambino is licensed under CC BY 4.0.

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    51 分