• My Quiet Time Recap : Season 3 Episode 2

    Here is a shorter recap of my quiet time. I hope it encourages your quiet time with the Lord, so you can develop your own routine and be proactive in the Spirit.

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  • Capture and Destroy Defeated Thoughts: Faith Soaking Season 3 Episode 1

    Do not accept the evil thoughts Satan and his demons try to put in your mind. They are not of God; therefore, they are not for you. You do not have to fear these thoughts; rather you must instantly rebuke them. They are simply a way for the enemy to steal, kill and destroy your peace of mind. But remember. Great is the Holy Spirit in you than any of the world.

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  • True and Lasting Peace: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 10

    We can gain false peace for a time through worldly means, but we can find true and lasting peace by seeking God day and night and by praying, petitioning, giving thanks and presenting.

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  • Walking Through Quicksand: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 9
    Sometimes, we go through a "quicksand" season where everything seems difficult. However, we can trust that God is with us and our breakthrough is right around the corner if we don't give up.

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  • Replacing Worry With Faith: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 8

    It takes practice, but we can replace worry with faith in God's Word and His goodness. The habit of faith will not only provide us peace, but it will not allow stress to affect our minds, hearts and bodies.

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  • Overcoming Familiar Spirits: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 7

    We do not recognize that our thinking is not in line with the Bible because we have normalized this negative thinking. Some familiar Spirits include Fear, Worry, Jealousy, Poverty, Control, etc. However, as we read God's Word the truth will replace the lies, and we can live in victory.

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  • Tucking into the Spirit: How to Have Authority Over the Enemy’s Attacks: Faith Soaking Season 2 Espisode 6

    We don't have to endure the enemy's attacks on our bodies, minds, hearts and wills anymore. Once we learn to "tuck" all three parts of us (spirit, soul and body) into Christ, we will become untouchable to the devil's lies, schemes and attacks.

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  • The Violent Take it by Force: Faith Soaking Season 2 Episode 5

    When the door to our destiny begins to open, adversaries will violently try to stop us from taking steps of faith into our God-given assignment. This faith soaking will empower you with the vigor to take what's your in Jesus Christ.

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