• Heal Your Trauma | Experience of the Soul 310

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    Please send us a text message using the link above. Be sure to let us know your name, where you are from, and how we can contact you if you would like a response. We look forward to hearing from you!

    People in the world today know more about their trauma than ever…the problem is, we are so busy naming the trauma, and frankly, owning the trauma, we forget to heal it! Healing trauma is virtually a lifelong pursuit but certainly worth it. As we heal, we learn that we have been seeing life through a lens that is both limiting and unhelpful. Once we choose to heal and consciously begin that process, we look through a lens of clarity, with a sense of purpose and passion for life.

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    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    31 分
  • The Thing That Matters Most | Experience of the Soul 309

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    Please send us a text message using the link above. Be sure to let us know your name, where you are from, and how we can contact you if you would like a response. We look forward to hearing from you!

    What is the thing that matters most? Many would say family…and family is important. Others would say that relationships are the most important. In behaviors, we often would say that money is important. And you do need money to live, but by no means is money the most important. The thing that matters most is your soul. Because all else - family, relationships and even your relationship to money is all a reflection of your soul. Your soul matters most.

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    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    35 分
  • The Problem of Evil | Experience of the Soul 308

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    Evil is something we deal with every day, from images on television to insinuating ads and marketing. We are bombarded with evil in ways that often go unnoticed - - but negatively impact our journey and soul growth. This important discussion will help you identify and then consciously choose out of those unknown ways you are unconsciously allowing evil into your life.

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    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    39 分
  • OK, But What Are You Thinking About It? | Experience of the Soul 307

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    Believe it or not, your thoughts create your reality. And, this is not a new idea…but hard to remember and practice regularly! Where is your focus? What are you thinking? And of course, it’s not only what we are thinking that matters, but what we believe about it. And a belief is simply a thought and feeling combined. Ask yourself -

    What am I believing?

    We learn from psychology that there is something in the way the brain works, called the “negativity bias” and this can pervade our thinking regularly. The negativity bias simply has us finding what is wrong. In a world where this is commonplace, it takes a great deal of spiritual commitment and fortitude to notice the good, do the inner work, and call this good forward in our lives and world.

    What we know from the scriptures that is most definitely true is this:

    “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he” - Proverbs 23:7a (NKJV)

    https://a.co/d/3WPbsIx Loving What Is by Byron Katie


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    VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE! Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

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    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    39 分
  • Solitude as a Scheduled Spiritual Practice | Experience of the Soul 306

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    Time in solitude is important to remain connected, focused, and grounded. Life on life’s terms can be harried, unfocused, and conflicted. It can be anxious, frenetic, and even depressing. Solitude can change all that. Times in solitude can be peace, solace, and a kind of healing balm to the soul. Time outside in nature, deep breaths, and meditation can be an important aspect of this practice. Are you making time for you to be in solitude? Remember that you are worth it!


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    VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE! Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

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    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    34 分
  • Ease and Grace | Experience of the Soul 305

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    Doesn’t ease and grace sound better than difficulty and worry? As you mature on the spiritual journey, you can access and live from a place of peace - - and peace is living from a place of “ease and grace.” There is a confidence and a reality beyond this 3rd dimension of consciousness - - it is the 4th dimension, the place of Christ. And once you know this is the one and true reality, a life of ease and grace happens more and more.

    🌟Quotes from the Episode:🌟

    "Be in the world, not of the world."

    "You can’t solve a problem at the level of the problem. You have to bring in a higher awareness."

    "God can do no more for you than God can do through you." - Eric Butterworth

    Tune in now and take your journey to the next level! 🎧🎥🎙️✨

    📺 Watch the video podcast version of Episode 305 now, and elevate your journey towards a life of ease and grace!

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    VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE! Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

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    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    40 分
  • Respect Yourself and Your Boundaries | Experience of the Soul 304

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    As you know yourself, honoring your guidance, energy, and process becomes increasingly important. We have consistently returned to this theme, realizing that we can be more on purpose and connected to God as we have clarity. Connecting with our Divine Purpose and energetic reality can be enlightening, stimulating, and inspiring. You are beginning to inspire yourself and your journey, as you RESPECT YOURSELF and your boundaries.

    Check out the video podcast here:

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    VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE! Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

    Follow Cynthia Alice on Social Media!

    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    36 分
  • Know Thyself | Experience of the Soul 303

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    These sacred words: KNOW THYSELF are inscribed over the temple in Apollo at Delphi., the site of the sacred oracle. In ancient times, people would visit the oracle to know their destiny and what to do in certain situations. This idea is also found in so many of the scriptures. The gospel of Thomas says, “If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” This is a perfect description of living a life of conscious consciousness. This episode delves deep in the desire and fulfillment of knowing "one's self."


    988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline |
    Hours: Available 24 hours. Languages: English, Spanish. Learn more Dial 988

    If you feel that you are struggling with depression, you don’t have to struggle alone. You can call The National Mental Health Hotline at 866-903-3787 to speak to a professional about depression and get help with mental health resources.

    "An unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates

    For thee I thirst.
    Into thy hands I commit my spirit
    (my soul, my body, my life, this problem, all unforgiven states).
    thy will is my will.
    thy will be done through me.
    Heal me at depth.
    Reveal that which needs to be revealed.
    Heal that which needs to be healed
    so I can glorify You, God,
    and live in the fullness of grace.
    It is finished.


    We want to hear from you!

    VIDEO PODCAST AVAILABLE! Subscribe to Cynthia Alice on YouTube!

    Follow Cynthia Alice on Social Media!

    More from Cynthia Alice Anderson

    Experience of the Soul Podcast is copyright 2024, Cynthia Alice Anderson. All Rights Reserved.

    The Experience of the Soul Podcast with Cynthia Alice Anderson is produced by Shawn Kilgore.

    EPISODES 1-300
    The Authentic Spiritual Journey | The theme music was composed by
    Dave Kropf and used with permission by RRHOT Publishing.
    A production of
    818 Studios.

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    39 分