
  • Melchizedek and Abraham (Part 2)

    How does Christ’s Melchizedekian priesthood encourage believers today?

    This week, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke continues exploring Abraham’s encounter with Melchizedek in the second part of his sermon on Genesis 14:17-24.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Melchizedek and Abraham

    The author of Hebrews says Christ is “a priest after the order of Melchizedek.” But who is Melchizedek? And what can this mysterious Old Testament figure teach us about Christ today?

    This week, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke explores the identity of the King of Salem in the first part of his sermon on Genesis 14:17-24.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Commitment to the World (Part 2)

    "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves”—Matthew 10:16

    Today on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke helps us navigate the difficult responsibility to be in the world but not of the world, in the second part of his sermon on Genesis 14:1-16.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Commitment to the World

    "As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men”—Galatians 6:10

    Today on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke answers a common question in the first part of his sermon on Genesis 14:1-16: What is the believer’s responsibility to the world?

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Resolving Strife (Part 2)

    "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.”—Matthew 5:9

    Today, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke points us to Jesus Christ as the Great Peacemaker in the second part of his sermon on conflict resolution from Genesis 13:5-13.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Resolving Strife

    “Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.”—Philippians 2:4

    Today, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke unpacks biblical principles for conflict resolution in the first part of his sermon on Genesis 13:5-13.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Weak and Strong Confessions of Faith (Part 2)

    “He that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”—Galatians 6:8

    Today on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke warns us that worshipping idols always leads to harm in the second part of his sermon on Lot and Abraham from Genesis 13. Enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke at joelbeeke.org.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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  • Weak and Strong Confessions of Faith

    “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world.”—1 John 2:15

    Today, on Doctrine for Life, Dr. Joel Beeke reminds us of the dangers of the lusts of the eyes in the first part of his sermon on Lot and Abraham from Genesis 13.

    Thank you for listening to Doctrine for Life with Dr. Joel Beeke. If you were encouraged by this episode and would like to hear more, please consider subscribing and sharing with a friend. To enjoy more resources from the pen and pulpit of Dr. Beeke, please visit joelbeeke.org.

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