『Detox For Your Life』のカバーアート

Detox For Your Life

著者: Nicole L. Turner
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  • Transformation begins with changing the way you think, and removing the ”toxins” that have been preventing you from flourishing. Host Nicole L. Turner is a well-respected mindset coach, management consultant, best-selling author, and speaker. Nicole helps individuals and organizations take a proactive approach to self-improvement, which involves designing a desired future and determining the most effective ways to achieve that future state. Nicole isn‘t into the ”fluff”. Each episode will be honest and real, with one goal in mind, giving you something to think about. Mindset Coach https://www.detoxforyourlife.com Consultant https://www.nicolelturner.com/
    Copyright 2019 All rights reserved.
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  • You Don’t Have to Stick with a Bad Decision

    Sticking with a bad decision is not a triumph of commitment. It’s a failure of courage. The quicker you are to admit you were wrong, the sooner you can start making it right.

    There are a number of reasons why people stick by a bad decision.

    • Emotional investment: People often become emotionally invested in their decisions, especially if they've put a lot of time, effort, or resources into them. Admitting they made a mistake can feel like admitting failure, which can be difficult to accept.
    • Fear of change: Even if a decision turns out to be bad, people may fear the uncertainty and discomfort that comes with changing course. They may worry about the consequences of abandoning their original decision and whether they'll be able to navigate a new path successfully.
    • Cognitive dissonance: This is the psychological discomfort that arises when there's a discrepancy between beliefs and actions. People may rationalize their bad decisions to reduce this discomfort, convincing themselves that the decision wasn't actually bad or that things will improve if they stick with it.
    • Sunk cost fallacy: This is the tendency to continue investing in a decision because of the time, money, etc. already invested, regardless of the likelihood of success. People may feel reluctant to walk away from a bad decision because they don't want to "waste" what they've already put into it.
    • Social pressure: People may worry about how others will perceive them if they admit they made a mistake. They may feel pressure to maintain appearances or fear judgment from friends, family, or colleagues.
    • Optimism bias: Many people tend to be overly optimistic about the outcomes of their decisions, even in the face of evidence suggesting otherwise. They may believe that things will eventually work out if they just keep pushing forward.

    I want you to remember this, holding onto a bad decision isn’t a sign of commitment; it’s a lack of courage. The sooner you acknowledge your mistake, the sooner you can begin making things right. I’m Nicole L. Turner, your mindset coach, helping you shift the way you think so you can change the way you live. If you are in need of a mindset coach, you can reach me at https://www.detoxforyourlife.com/

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    8 分
  • Success Amnesia

    Do you suffer from success amnesia? Success amnesia happens when someone struggles to recognize past successes and accomplishments.

    Success amnesia impacts your life in several ways. Some of those ways are:

    • Lack of Confidence: When individuals suffer from success amnesia, they may lack confidence in their abilities to overcome challenges or succeed in new endeavors because they don't recognize their past achievements as evidence of their capabilities.
    • Increased Anxiety: Without the ability to recall past successes, individuals may feel heightened anxiety or stress when confronted with difficulties, as they don't have the reassurance of knowing they've overcome similar situations in the past.
    • Impaired Problem-Solving Skills: Success amnesia can impair individuals' problem-solving skills because they may not draw upon past experiences or strategies that have worked for them in similar situations.
    • Diminished Resilience: Ultimately, success amnesia undermines resilience because individuals are unable to tap into their reservoir of past successes and experiences to bolster their confidence and determination during challenging times.

    Addressing success amnesia involves consciously reflecting on past achievements and successes, recognizing one's strengths and capabilities, and actively drawing upon these experiences as sources of resilience and confidence when faced with new challenges or fears.

    I’m Nicole L. Turner, your mindset coach helping you shift the way you think so you can change the way you live. If you are in need of a mindset coach, you can reach me at https://www.detoxforyourlife.com/

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    6 分
  • Create Your Own Lane
    In the journey of life, it's common to encounter roadblocks, detours, and dead ends. There are moments when it feels like nothing is working out or fitting into place. It's during these times that the idea of "creating your own lane" becomes not just an option but a necessity. Creating your own lane means forging a path that aligns with your passions, strengths, and values, even when conventional routes seem inaccessible or unsuitable. It's about taking control of your destiny and refusing to be limited by existing structures or norms. Here are some insights and tips to empower you in this journey. Uncover Your Lane: Creating your own lane isn’t about inventing something entirely new; it’s about discovering what truly resonates with you. Reflect on your passions, strengths, and values. What makes your heart sing? What unique skills or perspectives do you bring to the table? Your true lane lies within these answers. Pay Attention to What’s Important: Life drops subtle hints along the way. Pay attention to the qualities and experiences that matter most to you. These clues guide you toward your authentic path. Whether it’s a specific cause, a creative pursuit, or a way of working, honor what resonates with your soul. Listen to Your Intuition: Creating your own lane is an inside-out job. While following the mainstream may seem easier, true fulfillment comes from listening to your inner voice. Cultivate your intuition—trust those gut feelings and nudges. They often lead to breakthroughs and innovative solutions. Embrace Adaptability and Resilience: When forging a new path, expect twists, turns, and unexpected challenges. Embrace adaptability and resilience. Be willing to pivot, learn, and grow. Remember that setbacks are stepping stones, not roadblocks. Network and Collaborate: Building your lane doesn’t mean going it alone. Connect with like-minded individuals, mentors, and collaborators. Seek out communities, attend events, and engage in meaningful conversations. Collaborations can amplify your impact and open doors you never knew existed. Learn from Others’ Journeys: Study the stories of trailblazers who’ve carved their own lanes. Read biographies, listen to podcasts, and attend talks. Understand their struggles, triumphs, and strategies. Their experiences can provide valuable insights and inspiration. Be Fearless and Bold: Fear often holds us back from creating something new. Embrace courage and boldness. Take calculated risks. Remember that every successful innovator faced uncertainty. Trust that you have what it takes to pioneer your own path. Iterate and Refine: Your lane isn’t static; it evolves. Be open to feedback, iterate, and refine. Adjust your course as needed. Celebrate progress, no matter how small. Celebrating your progress fuels motivation and reinforces your belief in the path you've chosen. Each step forward brings you closer to your unique destination. Remember, creating your own lane isn’t about rejecting existing paths. It's about seizing the opportunity to craft a path that is uniquely yours. Embrace the challenges, stay true to your vision, and let your passion be your guide. As you venture into uncharted territory, remember that the journey itself is as valuable as the destination. So, dare to dream, dare to innovate, and dare to create your own lane. I'm Nicole L. Turner, your Mindset Coach, helping you shift the way you think so you can change the way you live. If you're in need of a mindset coach, you can reach me at https://www.detoxforyourlife.com/
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    9 分


Transformation begins with changing the way you think, and removing the ”toxins” that have been preventing you from flourishing. Host Nicole L. Turner is a well-respected mindset coach, management consultant, best-selling author, and speaker. Nicole helps individuals and organizations take a proactive approach to self-improvement, which involves designing a desired future and determining the most effective ways to achieve that future state. Nicole isn‘t into the ”fluff”. Each episode will be honest and real, with one goal in mind, giving you something to think about. Mindset Coach https://www.detoxforyourlife.com Consultant https://www.nicolelturner.com/
Copyright 2019 All rights reserved.

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