
  • It's A Trap - Part 3

    There are several traps we all face, three types of temptations that come at all of us. As alluring as these things may seem, they grab us and can prevent us from moving forward in our faith. It’s not a matter of IF we will be tempted, but how we get ready for and respond to those temptations when they come. Join us as we learn how to stay clear of the traps.

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    33 分
  • It's A Trap - Part 2

    There are several traps we all face, three types of temptations that come at all of us. As alluring as these things may seem, they grab us and can prevent us from moving forward in our faith. It’s not a matter of IF we will be tempted, but how we get ready for and respond to those temptations when they come. Join us as we learn how to stay clear of the traps.

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    30 分
  • Road Trip - Part 4

    We are all heading somewhere in life. The question is where are you heading? If that answer is to follow Christ, then you need a plan, a map to guide you along that journey. In this series, we'll look at the key stops on the way to becoming a fully trained follower of Christ. Who's ready for a Road Trip?

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    55 分
  • Easter at Crossroads 2023

    Easter at Crossroads 2023

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  • Redeeming Love - Part 3

    History is a love story of the pursuing and loving God chasing down people who have turned away from Him. That theme has been repeated over & over again in the scriptures, and if we’re honest, in our lives as well.  In this series, we’ll be motivated to be more faithful to God by understanding His incredible faithfulness to us.

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    30 分
  • Redeeming Love - Part 2

    History is a love story of the pursuing and loving God chasing down people who have turned away from Him. That theme has been repeated over & over again in the scriptures, and if we’re honest, in our lives as well.  In this series, we’ll be motivated to be more faithful to God by understanding His incredible faithfulness to us.

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    39 分
  • Redeeming Love - Part 1

    History is a love story of the pursuing and loving God chasing down people who have turned away from Him. That theme has been repeated over & over again in the scriptures, and if we’re honest, in our lives as well.  In this series, we’ll be motivated to be more faithful to God by understanding His incredible faithfulness to us.

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    33 分
  • People God Uses - Part 4

    When we think about the people God really uses, we usually think about the superstars of the faith.  The reality is that even these superstars are really people just like us - people who have failed, who have flaws, fears, and doubts.  The bottom line is that God wants to use you, even if you struggle with the very same things.  You are one of those people that God uses!

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    33 分