
  • Episode 4: Inner Mastery with Hannah Tovar - The Primal Priestess

    In this episode, Eden is joined by Hannah Tovar, also known as The Primal Priestess, to talk about the 3rd launch of her group mentorship program, Inner Mastery - The Methodless Method to Energy Work.

    Hannah is a natural born intuitive serving women energetically, somatically, and spiritually. She believes that all women are capable, intuitive, and sovereign and she stands as a lighthouse to that Truth. Hannah knows that when women prioritize tending to their own innerworld, it ripple effects into their entire life.

    Her work bridges realms between birth, sex, and business - knowing the way we receive one is the way we receive all. In working with Hannah, women create internal clarity through a mix of Quantum frequency work, somatic expression, and tangible form structures that bring their visions to life. Cyclical living and attunement to nature is a top priority for Hannah and she favors slow, subtle, soft expansion over hustle and force.

    Enrolment for Inner Mastery round 3 begins on June 2nd, 2024.

    Join the Waitlist!

    Link to Inner Mastery, Round 3

    Follow Hannah @theprimalpriestess on Instagram

    Link to Hannah's Website


    1:1 Private Mentorship with Eden

    She Gathers Virtual Women's Circles

    Follow me on Instagram

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    1 時間 23 分
  • Episode 3: The Story of my Daughter's Placenta

    In this episode, Eden shares how she put her Daughter's placenta in the freezer after she gave birth, and ended up regretting it.

    She shares about the process of taking her out of the freezer, how she made placenta prints and began the curing process instead.

    This episode holds some really beautiful real time integration of her freebirth experience, and it's an honour to have it witnessed by you.

    1:1 Private Mentorship with Eden

    She Gathers Virtual Women's Circles

    Follow me on Instagram

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    58 分
  • Episode 2: My First Bleed as Mother

    In this episode, Eden shares her real time experience of getting her first bleed back at 6 weeks postpartum.

    She navigates some deep grief in having her bleed return so early, as she feels that it is the full completion of her cycle of pregnancy and she didn't feel quite ready for it to end.

    However, as she feels her grief, it expands and shifts into gratitude and excitement for getting to connect with her body, and begin to embody a relationship with her bleed that she hopes to pass down to her Daughter.

    Thank you for being here and witnessing.

    Join my upcoming workshop - The Red Tent

    May 19th @ 4pm PT

    1:1 Private Mentorship with Eden

    She Gathers Virtual Women's Circles

    Follow me on Instagram

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    51 分
  • Episode 1: Welcome to Season 2 of Creating Eden Podcast

    Welcome back, podcast community!

    It is with such joy and excitement that I launch season 2 of the Creating Eden Podcast, with Eden Elizabeth.

    This episode is a short and sweet welcome, with some shares around my voice, clearing my blocked throat Chakra, and fears around sharing my heart and soul with you.

    It feels good to be back, I hope you enjoy!

    1:1 Private Mentorship with Eden

    She Gathers Virtual Women's Circles

    Follow me on Instagram

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    28 分
  • Episode 28: The Freebirth of my Daughter

    In this episode, Eden shares the story of freebirthing her Daughter, the edges she met and how they all gave her the opportunity to embody everything she has been speaking about throughout her wild pregnancy.

    She shares how intense her experience and sensations were, how she wanted to run and escape from the pain, all of the fears and stories that surfaced, the moment she thought her clitoris might rip in half (spoiler alert, it didn't), and all of the other details she can remember.

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    1 時間 32 分
  • Episode 27: My baby might be Breech

    In this episode, Eden shares her experience with going to the chiropractor and how her chiro couldn't feel the baby's head in her pelvis and planted the seed of fear that her baby might be breech. She shares the fear she's navigating and sitting in the discomfort of all the "what if's" of breech birth, how she could go into the system to ease her fear or end up with a c-section, and how most of the fear she's feeling isn't even hers. Eden has been preaching how much she trusts her body and her baby and she fully believes that this is a test to see how much she can lean into that trust, even if baby wants to be birthed in a different orientation than most babies.

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  • Episode 26: Sometimes rest is the most spiritual thing you can do

    In this episode, Eden shares some reflections around rest and taking care of her body at 34 weeks pregnant. She shares how it's easier for her to offer other pregnant women compassion and understanding than it is to offer it to herself, and how guilt and shame have begun to creep in for not staying "consistent" with her spiritual practices. Eden shares her musings on how resting and just BEING is the most spiritual thing she can possibly do right now.

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    32 分
  • Episode 25: Maiden to Mother - 31 Weeks Pregnant

    In this Episode, Eden shares where she is currently at and what she is experiencing being 31 weeks pregnant. She talks about moving in her third trimester, the intense desire to nest, and all the things she wants to get done so she can feel fully relaxed and ready for baby's arrival.

    Eden also speaks to the immense amount of gratitude she feels about her role as Mother, having the privilege of growing another human being inside of her womb, what an honour it is to become a Mother, and how her experience has shifted from fearful Maiden to grateful Mother.

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    1 時間 1 分