• NDEs Increase Coincidences: Elizabeth Krohn, EP 317

    Imagine a small bolt of lightning paralyzing you and then a huge bolt killing you. And yet you are still consciously aware. Join Elizabeth Krohn on her journey through two weeks in heaven and the incredible synchronicities that followed. Elizabeth Krohn was a wife and mother of two young boys when she was struck by lightning in the parking lot of her Houston synagogue in 1988. Her most fundamental understandings of what the world is and how it works were completely transformed. Elizabeth has coauthored a book, “Changed in a Flash”, with Jeffrey J Kripal and is a frequent guest on podcasts, radio shows, and in person discussing her extraordinary experience. In November, 2021, Elizabeth was announced as a winner in the Bigelow Institute for Consciousness Studies (BICS) essay contest. Her essay “The Eternal Life of Consciousness” is being published into a book titled “Eyewitness to the Afterlife - My Two Weeks in Heaven" in the fall of 2023. Elizabeth now serves on the BICS Advisory Board. She and her husband live in Houston, Texas. Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. To register for the Coincidence Cafe to tell your coincidence stories: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registration https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences" Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

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    1 時間 12 分
  • Diving Deeply into Synchronicity Interconnectedness: Cynthia Cavalli, EP 316

    Improbable coincidence strikes us with varying degrees of the numinous, of the presence of the mystical unknown. Enjoy Cynthia's deep dive into one such numinous experience that confirms how intricately interrelated we all are. Cynthia Cavalli, Ph.D. is an executive leadership coach and organizational transformation consultant. Her formal education includes degrees in physics, business administration, and human systems. She worked in the aerospace industry in engineering, project management, and strategy development. After extensive Jungian analysis, she now incorporates personality typology, dream symbolism, and synchronicity into her coaching practice. Dr. Cavalli is passionate about facilitating personal and organizational transformation through deep inner work. She also offers seminars and workshops on gleaning practical wisdom from the timeless principles of complexity science and mythology to help people navigate the challenges of major life changes. Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. To register for the Coincidence Cafe to tell your coincidence stories: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registration https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences" Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research#coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

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  • Three Forms of Intuition: Rollin McCraty, EP 315

    When you walk into a room and feel a thick atmosphere, your intuition is registering something very real. Rollin McCraty has the data!!!! Your heart emits energy that carries information. It accumulates in groups in both positive and negative ways. Each of us is immersed on our collective magnetic field. Get to know this field with Rollin's help. Interested in tree communication? Enjoy that last 20 minutes! Rollin McCraty, Ph.D. is Director of Research at the Institute of HeartMath. Research interests include the physiology of emotion, intuition and optimal functioning. His work focuses on the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, social harmony and health as well as the global interconnectivity between people and the earth’s energetic systems. He has been the Principal Investigator in numerous research studies examining the outcomes of positive emotion-focused interventions and heart rhythm coherence feedback in diverse organizational and educational settings as well as in various clinical populations. He has been featured in a number of documentary films such as I am, The Truth, The Joy of Sox move, The Power of the Heart, Solar Revolution, and The Living Matrix among many others.Heartmath.org Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. To register for the Coincidence Cafe to tell your coincidence stories: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registration https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences" Visit https://www.coincider.com/ to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

    #coincidence #serendipity #synchronicity

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    1 時間 10 分
  • Synchronicity Unleashes the Sacred, Roderick Main: EP 314

    Clarity in complexity! Roderick Main brilliantly describes a sequential synchronicity involving the magical praying mantis and its symbolism throughout cultures and time. Synchronicity shatters the rigid walls of contemporary scientific meaninglessness by re-introducing magic, mystery and the sacred into Western consciousness. Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. To register for the Coincidence Cafe to tell your coincidence stories https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcpcuqtpzgpGtVC3wPGbWi_v_bxk786mUId#/registration https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences" Visit https://www.coincider.com to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research

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    1 時間 10 分
  • Coincidences in the Thin Veil of Bali, Crystal Harrell: EP 313

    By following a Facebook ad and for some unknown reason being offered a guided visualization, Crystal Harrell took a chance on chance which led to a spiritual awakening on the Island of Bali and the elimination of years of anxiety. On Bali she experienced thinking of a need and having that need met. Her journey from deep Alabama poverty to major scholarship help inspires many others. She is part of the young person cohort helping to transform the self-centered focus of much of humanity into recognition of our interconnectedness. She studies Spiritual Consciousness at Yale. Crystal Harrell is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, Academic Success Coach, and Ph.D. candidate at Yale University. After growing up in public housing apartments with nine siblings and losing a parent to a chronic disease, Crystal saw education as her ticket out of poverty. Throughout her academic journey, she has been awarded over $670,000 in scholarships, including the prestigious Gates Millennium Scholarship. Crystal’s story has graced the TEDx stage, and her popular education blog benefits thousands weekly. Her first best-selling book, Crystal Clear, inspires fellow non-traditional students to harness the power of personal growth and self-awareness to achieve their goals. Crystal's research emphasizes the interplay between psychology and spirituality, focusing on the enhancement of well-being through Spiritual Consciousness. https://crystaltharrell.com/books Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. Visit https://www.coincider.com to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research https://www.TheCoincidenceProject.net to share your own coincidence stories, and to learn from others' shared experiences. Here you can also sign up for the next Coincidence Cafe'-- every 3rd Saturday starting at 11am EST!

    https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences . to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences"

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    1 時間 10 分
  • The Stunning Path to Finding Oneself, Ricardo Escamilla: EP 312

    Ricardo Escamilla's uncertainty was turned into his life work through stunning synchronicity. His path to leadership consulting, creativity and business consulting is paradigmatic for any person willing to grasp the opportunities presented to them. Since childhood, Ricardo Escamilla has been interested in the mind and consciousness. At the age of 11, he took his first spirituality course. He studied administration at ITAM, a prestigious business institute in Mexico, and received a national award for his research on creativity and entrepreneurship. He pursued a master's degree in Applied Creativity in Spain and a postgraduate degree in Emotional Ecology. His fascination with synchronicity began at the age of 23, sparked by a fortunate event that led him to focus on business training. With 25 years of professional experience, he teaches various soft skills, creativity, and innovation. Through awareness-raising activities on synchronicity, he aims to connect individuals with life's purpose. Currently, he is writing a book on meaningful coincidences based on personal experiences and close ones. Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. Visit https://www.coincider.com to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research https://www.TheCoincidenceProject.net to share your own coincidence stories, and to learn from others' shared experiences. Here you can also sign up for the next Coincidence Cafe'-- every 3rd Saturday starting at 11am EST! https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences"

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  • Thoughts Influence Computers, Terje Simonsen: EP 311

    The wrong telephone number becomes the right opportunity and launches Terje Simonsen into a career in parapsychological realities. His existential mission is to accelerate human intuitive capacities for the benefit of all living beings. Terje Simonsen is educated as a Historian of ideas, specializing in esoteric and occult traditions. Having heard inexplicable stories from reliable relatives and friends from childhood, and later experiencing things of that nature himself, he combined this fascination with the unknown with a scholarly study in esoterica and mystical traditions. And moreover, with a personal interest in meditation and therapy - gestalt, psychosynthesis, psychomotoric physiotherapy, transpersonal psychology, etc. https://www.facebook.com/OurSecretPowers/ Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. Visit https://www.coincider.com to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research https://www.TheCoincidenceProject.net to share your own coincidence stories, and to learn from others' shared experiences. Here you can also sign up for the next Coincidence Cafe'-- every 3rd Saturday starting at 11am EST! https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences, to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences"

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  • Sine Waves Are Fundamental, Carl Johann Calleman: EP 310

    Grandson of the reindeer herders of northern Scandinavia, Carl Calleman resonates with Mayan calendars. The sine wave of the creative serpent correlates with Mayan predictions in illuminating simultaneous independent inventions like the digitalization of our cultures. The universe is alive and speaks to us through nature. Carl Johan Calleman was born in Stockholm, Sweden. He has a Ph.D. from the University of Stockholm in Physical Biology from 1984 and has been a Senior Researcher at the Department of Environmental Health at the University of Washington in Seattle. He has served as an expert on cancer for the WHO and articles he has authored or co-authored have been quoted more than 1500 times in the scientific literature proper. He is recognized as the main proponent of the idea that the Mayan calendar reflects the evolution of consciousness and has developed a complete theory around this. He is the author of "The Living Universe: The new theory of Origins: Explaining Consciousness, the Big Bang, Fine Tuning, “Dark Matter”, the Evolution of Life and Human History" www.calleman.com Our host Dr. Bernard Beitman is the first psychiatrist since Carl Jung to attempt to systematize the study of coincidences. He is the Founding Director of The Coincidence Project. His book, and his Psychology Today blog, are both titled Connecting with Coincidence. He has developed the first valid and reliable scale to measure coincidence sensitivity and has written and edited coincidence articles for Psychiatric Annals. He is a visiting professor at the University of Virginia and former chair of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He attended Yale Medical School and completed a psychiatric residency at Stanford. Dr. Beitman has received two national awards for his psychotherapy training program and is internationally known for his research into the relationship between chest pain and panic disorder. Visit https://www.coincider.com to learn more about Dr. Beitman's research https://www.TheCoincidenceProject.net to share your own coincidence stories, and to learn from others' shared experiences. Here you can also sign up for the next Coincidence Cafe'-- every 3rd Saturday starting at 11am EST! https://www.innertraditions.com/books/meaningful-coincidences to purchase Dr. Beitman's newest book "Meaningful Coincidences"

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    1 時間 10 分