
  • 04. What Is Truth? Does God Kill?
    In this episode we discuss who is the God we serve? Is He a God of love, or is His love conditional? Since sin entered our world, satan has made it his life's mission to distort the character of God as vengeful and unforgiving, taking joy in punishing those who disobey him. This can't be further from the truth. Come and join us in our discussion and find out how God ultimately deals with sin.
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    42 分
  • 199. Moving Of The Spirit, Waiting For The Latter Rain
    In Episode 199 we discuss the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth. As the early rain was poured out at Pentecost, we are praying and waiting for the latter rain to fall on God's remnant so that the loud cry can prepare multitudes for the return of Jesus. Will this be a general outpouring of the Spirit, or are there certain conditions to be met before this long awaited event can take place?
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    1 時間 25 分
  • 03. Was Pride The Motive for God's Creation?
    In this episode we discuss why did God create us? Is freedom of choice a blessing or a curse, motivated by pride? If God had foreknowledge as to the consciousness of free will, why allow it? The answer is nestled in the pure and spotless character of God.
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    47 分
  • 198. Ideological Transition, Russel Brand & Others Turn To Jesus?
    In Episode 198 we discuss the ideological transition that is taking place all over the world. Many famous people like Russel Brand, Candace Owens, Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan are turning to religion or talking positively about it. Is this all part of the transition that the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy speaks about that will happen to eventually implement the Mark of the beast? We also discuss the Solar storm that presumably caused Auroras in the skies and caused Internet and network blackouts. Are these signs of the times?
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    1 時間 20 分
  • 02 What Is Truth? Can The Bible Be Trusted by Robert Veith & Marlou Smith
    In this episode we will discuss the facts pertaining to the credibility of the bible, be it historical, archeological, prophetic or simply logical evidence. Throughout the ages, the bible has been preserved and safeguarded to allow the light of Christ to permeate through darkness and transform us into His image.
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    1 時間 5 分
  • 197. Curriculum Of The Ages - Most Important Subject In The Universe
    In Episode 197 we discuss the most important subject in the universe. Every Conflict that has been waged on this earth was and is centred in this curriculum . As we near the end of time this conflict will escalate and every person will have to make a decision. There are only two choices, not four or six, only two. Make your choice.
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    1 時間 38 分
  • 01. What Is Truth? Introduction by Robert Veith & Marlou Smith
    In this episode an introduction is made to our new series, called "What is Truth?". Truth has been neglected throughout history, which has resulted in deception, error and darkness in our world, with the end result being total destruction. Similar to Pilate's confusion when confronted with the truth, many souls are seeking answers that the word of God alone can provide. As we start this new journey to discover truth, we invite our viewers across the world to join us and prepare for the coming of our Lord. We encourage you to ask questions over the course of this series. To send us a question, please take a short video (max 1 minute) and email it to us at truth@clashofminds.com
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    48 分
  • 196. Battle Of The Bibles - Thy Word Is A Light Unto My Path
    In Episode 196 we discuss the corruption of the word of God that started from Origen's time, and continued through the centuries by prominent men portraying to be for truth but in actual fact being its staunch enemies. But God's promise that He will protect His Word has stood the test of time, and through His prophecy of seven times purified, we still have the true light for our path.
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    50 分