
  • Sometime When I Read a Poem
    Sometimes when I read a poem, Right after, I have to find another and plunge Down between its lines, a better kind of baptism, Just to get clean. I run out of breath, sometimes. Sometimes, I meet myself in the spaces.
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  • I Saw a Poet's Face Today
    The Poet's Faceby Carrie JonesI saw the poet’s face for the first time Today. It wasn’t what I expected, More Springsteen than Jesus. His head tilted To the side like a dog when it just can’t Figure out what her humans are trying To say. His brow was heavy, eyes too sad, Bags beneath them holding all the wrongs we’ve All accumulated just beneath skin. I wonder if those wrongs are what leaks out Onto the pages, again and again. I saw the poet’s face today. It was What I expected. There was no beauty Just age and sadness and […]
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  • What we are, what we might be, a poem
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  • Journeys, a poem
    JOURNEYS Carrie Jones We both dreamt of journeys last night. He rode a Harley, but didn’t know the shifting pattern, Told the others he was with he’d find it on his phone and catch up. I drove with my long-dead dad, talking. He was taking me to his house To meet his girlfriend who is twenty years younger. “I hope you Still love me,” he said. “Even though I’m dead. And my girlfriend . . .” I told him I do. And in my husband’s other dream, we headed Down a two-lane highway, lights and military jets above us Circling […]
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  • Another America Poem
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    Kindness is So Soft, a poem While I sat with my little on the green grassBy the ocean and tried to work through my broken becauseOf yet another guy accusing me of playing games,A man with the wrinkles and curved back failed to negotiateThe turn and his Subaru hit the Peterbilt, damaging both a littleAs they maneuvered on Ells Pier in my tiny town. The Subaru’s tire flattened while both men hopped out to inspect the damage.“I’m so sorry,” Subaru Man said, voice quivering from age or nerves or just the collisionOf two hard things striking each other. The Truck […]
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  • A S-Word Birthday Poem
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  • Pits, a poem
    SHOUT OUT! The music we’ve clipped and shortened in this podcast is awesome and is made available through the Creative Commons License. Here’s a link to that and the artist’s website. Who is this artist and what is this song? It’s “Summer Spliff” by Broke For Free. WE HAVE EXTRA CONTENT ALL ABOUT LIVING HAPPY OVER HERE! It’s pretty awesome.
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