
  • Episode #80 | Season wrap-up: The Importance of Work-Life Balance for Professionals

    Welcome back to "Budgets, Books, and Balance Sheets." I'm your host, Kevin Mitchell, and today we're wrapping up our season with a special episode. Yes, that’s right folks, we are wrapping up our first season of the podcast. Not only is this the last episode of the season, but we're also going to recap what I think is the most important thing we've learned about hiring talent: the critical importance of watching out for their well-being.

    In the hustle and bustle of the business world, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers, budgets, and balance sheets. But as we wrap up this season, let's remind ourselves that the heart of any successful business is its people. Let's dive into the essence of finding and nurturing the right talent, and what it means for their well-being.

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  • Episode #79 | Top 10 Qualities to Look for in a Tax Accountant

    Welcome to "Budgets, Books, and Balance Sheets," the podcast that helps you master the art of financial management. I'm your host, Kevin Mitchell, and today we're diving deep into the world of accounting and finance. Our episode title: "Top 10 Qualities to Look for in a Tax Accountant" 

    In the world of finance, making the right hiring decisions can make or break your firm's success. And one key role that plays a pivotal part in any financial organization is that of a tax accountant. Tax accountants are the unsung heroes, guiding individuals and businesses through the labyrinth of tax compliance. As we approach tax season, having a skilled tax accountant on your team can be a game-changer.

    Finding the right tax accountant with the skills and qualities your firm needs is paramount. In this episode, we'll explore the top qualities to look for when searching for the perfect tax accountant. Whether you're expanding your team or reevaluating your current workforce, these qualities will help you identify the right fit for the job.

    Let's kick things off by addressing a common misconception:

    Before we jump into the qualities you should seek in a tax accountant, it's crucial to debunk a common myth: not all accountants are tax accountants. You see, accountants come in various flavors, including management accounting, financial accounting, and tax accounting. While they all share a foundation in financial principles, their areas of expertise can be worlds apart.

    Tax accountants, also known as tax preparers or tax advisors, specialize in the intricate world of tax regulations and codes. Their job is to ensure that individuals and businesses are compliant with tax laws while optimizing their financial situations to minimize tax liabilities. It's a niche that requires a unique skill set and knowledge base, making it essential to select a tax accountant with the right qualifications.

    So, you're on a quest to find a top-notch tax accountant. It can be a challenging journey, but with the right guidance, you can make the process smoother. Here are the top five qualities you should look for when hiring a tax accountant.

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  • Episode #78 | Low Employee Morale: Top 5 Signs and How You Can Boost It

    Episode #78 | Low Employee Morale: Top 5 Signs and How You Can Boost It

    Welcome back, dear listeners, to another episode of "Budgets, Books, and Balance Sheets." I'm your host, Kevin Mitchell. Today, we're diving deep into a topic that affects every corner of the business world, and especially so in the realm of accounting and finance. We are talking about low employee morale. We'll explore the top five signs of low morale and discuss strategies to boost it. But first, let's understand why it's crucial to prioritize employee morale.

    Boosting employee morale isn't just a luxury, it's an absolute necessity in today's business landscape. The world is evolving, and so are our workplaces. More and more of us find ourselves in remote or hybrid work environments, which can present unique challenges when it comes to maintaining high employee morale. But why does it matter so much?

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  • Episode #77 | Outsourced Staffing vs Employer of Record: 9 Key Differences

    With remote work on the rise, many businesses are exploring ways to hire international employees. The question is, which method is best for your company? Should you opt for Outsourced Staffing, or would an Employer of Record (EoR) be a more suitable choice? 

    To help you navigate this important decision, we'll explore the nine key differences between these two approaches. By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision for your business.

    By 2025, about 22% of U.S. workers, or 36.2 million people, are projected to be working from home. As a result, businesses are increasingly looking beyond their borders to find top talent. This growing trend raises an important question: how should you hire international employees?

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  • Episode #76 | Quiet Quitting: How it's Impacting Your Firm and Strategies to Tackle it

    Quiet Quitting is not about employees walking out the door with a dramatic exit; rather, it's the slow disengagement that happens long before they officially resign. And this trend, my friends, is something every finance professional and accounting firm should have on their radar. Why, you ask? Because it significantly influences productivity, morale, and ultimately, the bottom line.

    In an industry where the labor market is shrinking as we speak, taking care of the high-quality talent we already have is paramount. 

    So, in today's episode, we're going to explore what Quiet Quitting is, why it's happening, and most importantly, strategies to tackle it. We'll focus on two key aspects: talent retention and the offshore talent hunt.

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  • Episode #75 | The Future of Procurement Analysis: Trends and Predictions

    Procurement analysis, a strategic practice that significantly impacts an organization's financial health, involves the systematic evaluation of purchasing activities. It's all about data – collecting it, analyzing it, and interpreting it to make informed decisions. But why is this process so indispensable, and what does the future hold for it? Let's explore the world of procurement analysis.

    Procurement analysis utilizes a wide array of data sources. These include purchase orders, invoices, supplier contracts, and inventory levels. In the analysis process, various quantitative and qualitative techniques are used, such as spend analysis, supplier performance evaluation, and market research. By harnessing the power of procurement analysis, accounting and finance firms can unearth insights that are essential for optimizing their clients' financial operations.

    So, why is procurement analysis necessary? What's the driving force behind this critical process? Let's break it down into a few key aspects.

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  • Episode #74 | Common Misconceptions About Staffing Agencies

    Today, the world of accounting and finance is highly regulated, and for a good reason. Violations or misconduct can result in hefty fines, lawsuits, damaged reputations, or even the loss of professional licenses. So, it's imperative for accounting and finance firms to hire individuals with the right qualifications, skills, ethical standards, and clean backgrounds. This is the main concern for most firms when hiring new positions, and even when we have all the technology to control every step of processes, there are still some lingering misconceptions about staffing agencies that might be preventing firms from tapping into these types of services.

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  • Episode #73 | Staff Augmentation vs Consulting: What's the difference?

    Imagine you are the captain of a ship sailing across the ocean. You have a destination in mind, a crew of skilled sailors, and a map to guide you. But along the way, you encounter some challenges: a storm, a broken mast, a pirate attack. You need some extra help to overcome these obstacles and reach your port safely.

    What do you do? Do you hire more sailors to join your crew temporarily, or do you seek advice from an experienced navigator who can show you the best route?

    This is similar to the dilemma that many businesses face when they need outside help to accomplish their goals. Do they opt for staff augmentation or consulting services?

    Both are valid options, but they have different implications and benefits depending on the situation.

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