
  • What is Success?

    Welcome to the Biblical Prosperity Podcast. I'm your host, Paul Young. Today, we're embarking on a journey to explore the rich intersections between faith, wisdom, and financial stewardship. In a world that often measures success by the thickness of your wallet, we're here to uncover the spiritual dimensions of prosperity and how they can guide us to live abundantly in every aspect of our lives.

    Imagine for a moment, the essence of prosperity not as a bank statement, but as a well-tended garden of the spirit, intellect, and physical well-being. Millions are spent yearly to develop the physical and intellectual man, and rightly so. But the spiritual man, the core of our being, requires nurturing through meditation in the Word of God. It is here, in the quiet moments spent in Scripture, that we lay the foundations of true success.

    Joshua 1:8 implores us to meditate on the Book of the Law day and night, promising prosperity and good success. But this isn't merely about financial gain. It's a call to wisdom, to a deeper understanding of life and our place within it. Wisdom, that elusive treasure, is the bedrock of decision-making, be it in our personal lives, our businesses, or our ministries.

    But how do we cultivate this wisdom? The answer lies in the practical application of the Word. It's not enough to be hearers only; we must be doers. This means taking the Scripture from the page into our daily lives, letting it inform our decisions, guide our actions, and shape our interactions with others.

    Success in God's eyes is not measured by the size of our congregation or the scale of our business, but by our obedience to His will. Whether we're called to preach to thousands or to teach Sunday school, our success is found in faithfulness to His calling.

    Now, let's delve into the heart of today's message: Cooperating with God for financial prosperity. It involves more than just wishful thinking; it requires action. Like the man who, with only fifty cents to his name, faithfully gives, knowing that it's not about the amount, but the obedience and trust in God's provision.

    In this journey of faith and finance, let us remember the importance of wisdom, the power of acting on the Word, and the necessity of listening to the voice of God. These principles are not just pathways to financial prosperity but to a rich, fulfilling life in Christ.

    As we close, I invite you to join me in a moment of reflection and prayer, inspired by Psalm 1. This passage paints a vivid picture of a man, like a tree planted by rivers of water, who delights in the law of the Lord. In every season, this man thrives, his leaves never withering, and in all he does, he prospers.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You today seeking wisdom, the kind that only You can give. Lord, help us to meditate on Your Word day and night, that we may be like trees planted by the rivers of water, bearing fruit in every season. May our leaves not wither, and whatever we do, let it prosper for Your glory. Teach us to be doers of Your Word, not hearers only, and to listen for Your voice in every decision we make. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

    Thank you for joining me on the Biblical Prosperity Podcast. May your week be filled with wisdom, fruitful endeavors, and the peace that comes from walking in step with the Spirit. Until next time, this is Paul Young, wishing you God's richest blessings.

    Today's Encouragement is provided by Biblical Prosperity Ministries over at BiblicalProsperity.Org

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  • Led By The Spirit

    Welcome to today's episode of the Biblical Prosperity Podcast.

    I'm Paul Young, and today we delve into understanding wealth and finances through the spiritual lens of being led by the Holy Spirit.

    In our pursuit of material wealth, it's essential to anchor ourselves in spiritual wisdom, recognizing that true guidance in our financial endeavors comes from a deeper, spiritual place within us.

    Our spiritual journey teaches us that we are more than just physical beings; we are spirits with a soul, housed in a body.

    This fundamentaltruth opens the door to understanding how we are guided not by our physical senses or intellect but through our spirit, where the Holy Spirit communicates and leads us.

    This divine guidance is particularly crucial when navigating the complexities of financial decisions and wealth management.

    One of the key lessons in seeking spiritual guidance in our finances is the caution against relying on physical signs or external confirmations.

    Instead, we're encouraged to trust the inward witness—a peaceful knowing or intuition provided by the Holy Spirit within our spirits.

    This internal guidance system ensures that our financial pursuits are aligned with a purpose that transcends mere personal gain, integrating our wealth with God's kingdom purposes.

    As we make decisions about investments, financial planning, and stewardship, we're reminded to lean not on our own understanding but to seek the direction of the inward witness of the Holy Spirit.

    This approach not only steers us towards profitable endeavors but also ensures our actions are righteous and in harmony with divine will.

    Moreover, we explore the significance of the inward voice, our conscience, which becomes an infallible guide when our spirit is reborn and carries the divine nature.

    This inward voice gently guides us, making decisions that are not only financially sound but also morally upright and aligned with God’s will.

    In reflection, let us ponder Psalm 18:28, "For thou wilt light my candle: the Lord my God will enlighten my darkness."

    As we navigate the path to financial prosperity, may we always seek the light of the Holy Spirit to illuminate our way, ensuring that our financial achievements serve a purpose beyond ourselves, for the greater good of God's kingdom.

    Let us close in prayer.

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You seeking wisdom and guidance in our financial pursuits. Help us to attune to the inward witness and voice of Your Holy Spirit, guiding our decisions and actions. May our wealth be a testament to Your goodness, used to further Your kingdom and reflect Your generosity and love in the world. We are grateful for Your unwavering presence and provision in our lives. In Jesus' name,


    Thank you for joining today's episode of the Biblical Prosperity Podcast.

    May your journey to financial prosperity be spiritually guided, leading to genuine wealth in Christ.

    God bless you.

    Today's Encouragement is provided by Biblical Prosperity Ministries over at BiblicalProsperity.Org

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  • Seizing God-Given Opportunities

    Welcome to the Biblical Prosperity Podcast. I'm Paul Young, and in today's episode, we're going to uncover how to position ourselves to embrace the fullness of what God has in store for us. We'll delve into understanding how to connect with the vast abundance that's available when we align with God's purpose and take hold of the opportunities He presents to us.

    Imagine, if you will, a life where every sudden challenge, every adversity, is but a veiled opportunity, a door opened by God for us to walk through into a realm of greater service, success, and spiritual fulfillment. This is not just a possibility; it is a divine invitation extended to each of us, an invitation to partner with the Creator in a dance of destiny, where our faith, courage, and perseverance transform potential into reality.

    Henry Ford, a name synonymous with innovation and success, once shared two life-altering principles taught by his mother: the significance of seizing life's presented opportunities through self-discipline, courage, and perseverance, and the futility of the words "I can't" or "I don't want to." These principles, deeply etched in the fabric of Ford's journey, mirror the biblical call to seize God-given opportunities with both hands, fully embracing the work, the effort, and sometimes, the struggle involved in birthing God's promise into our lives.

    Imagine standing before a seemingly insurmountable challenge, much like David before Goliath. To the onlooker, David faced certain defeat, yet through eyes of faith, he saw not an unbeatable giant but an unparalleled opportunity. This story, emblematic of God's way, invites us to see beyond the immediate hardship, to a victory that serves a purpose far greater than our personal gain—a victory that glorifies God and advances His kingdom on earth.

    Paul, the apostle of confrontation and perseverance, understood this deeply. His life, a testament to the power of persistence, challenges us to adopt a mindset where quitting is not an option, where every adversity is but an opportunity in disguise. Paul reveled in the joy of believing, finding delight in the fight of faith, demonstrating that the true measure of success is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall, stronger, more determined, and more aligned with God's will.

    As we close today's episode, let's meditate on the truth that God has created each of us to be a success from the very beginning. He has planted opportunities for growth, for impact, and for prosperity in every challenge we face. Our task is to perceive these opportunities, declare our victory in faith, and lay hold of them with the tenacity of one who knows the joy of believing.

    Let us pray:

    Heavenly Father, we thank You for the abundant life You've promised us—a life brimming with opportunities to showcase Your glory through our perseverance, faith, and courage. Help us to see every challenge as a door of opportunity, to walk through it with the assurance that You are with us, guiding, supporting, and empowering us to achieve the greatness You've destined for us. May we, like David, approach our giants with faith, and like Paul, find joy in the journey of faith, fully persuaded that You who promised are faithful to complete the good work You've begun in us. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

    Thank you for joining the Biblical Prosperity Podcast. May you go forth, seizing every God-given opportunity with faith and joy, until we meet again.

    Today's Encouragement is provided by Biblical Prosperity Ministries over at BiblicalProsperity.Org

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  • As A Seed We Sow

    Welcome to the Biblical Prosperity Podcast, where we explore the rich tapestry of faith, giving, and receiving woven throughout the Scriptures. I’m Paul Young, and today, we embark on a journey into the heart of seed-faith, a principle that transforms our understanding of giving from a duty into a dynamic act of faith.

    Imagine a seed—small, seemingly insignificant, yet holding within it the potential for abundant life. In the same way, when we give to God, whether it be our time, talents, or treasures, we are sowing seeds that God promises to grow into a harvest beyond our imagining. "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." This promise from Luke 6:38 isn't just about generosity; it's about God's unwavering faithfulness to multiply what we give in faith.

    At the core of seed-faith is the understanding that God is our ultimate source. He might choose to provide through others, but it's essential to recognize that every good gift comes from Him. This principle challenges us to put God first, trusting Him to meet our needs in His way and timing, which are always perfect. Our trust shouldn't waver with the economy's ups and downs but remain steadfast in the knowledge that God's provision is constant and abundant.

    As we delve deeper, we find that giving, or "seeding for our miracle," is an act of faith. It's not about fulfilling an obligation but about intentionally planting what we have in anticipation of what God will do. It could be our finances, time, or even our ability to forgive. When we sow with a heart of faith, we're essentially telling God, "I trust You to move the mountains of need in my life." And the beautiful part? He promises to multiply our seeds, meeting our needs in the most unexpected and perfect ways.

    Now, to expect a miracle is to sow with anticipation. When a farmer plants seeds, he doesn't walk away hoping for the best. He tends to the ground, expecting a harvest. In our lives, the "due season" for our harvest is in God's hands. Trusting in His timing, we can have confidence that He will multiply every seed we sow, fulfilling His promise to supply all our needs.

    As we reflect on these principles, it's crucial to remember that God looks beyond the quantity of our gift. He sees the heart behind it—our motives and faith. Even the smallest seed, sown in joy and faith, has the potential to bring forth a harvest of miracles.

    As we close today's episode, let's turn our hearts to God in a devotional reading from Galatians 6:9, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up." This verse encourages us to persevere in our giving, trusting that our faithfulness will be rewarded in God's perfect timing.

    Let us pray:

    Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of partnering with You through giving. Help us to see You as our source, to give as an act of faith, and to expect Your miraculous provision in our lives. Cultivate in us a heart that gives joyfully and expects a harvest, not because of our greatness but because of Yours. Guide us to sow seeds that honor You and further Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, we pray, Amen.

    Thank you for joining us on the Biblical Prosperity Podcast. May you walk in faith, sow with expectation, and witness the abundance of God's provision in your life. Until next time, keep planting seeds of faith and watch as God transforms them into a harvest of blessings.

    Today's Encouragement is provided by Biblical Prosperity Ministries over at BiblicalProsperity.Org

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  • The Debt Free Guarantee

    Welcome to today's episode of the Biblical Prosperity Podcast, where we delve deep into the spiritual insights and practical wisdom for achieving a life of abundance and freedom from financial bondage. I’m Paul Young, and this podcast, we'll journey through a narrative that brings to light the profound truths about God's desire for our financial freedom and the steps we can take to align ourselves with His will for prosperity and a debt-free life.
    In the ancient texts, we find a fascinating account of David, a young shepherd boy who, by defeating Goliath, secured not only victory for Israel but also a remarkable debt-free guarantee for his family from the king. This historical moment isn't just a tale of triumph over a giant; it's a symbolic revelation of God's promise to free us from the Goliath of debt that looms large over many lives today.

    The key to unlocking this promise lies in understanding and applying five powerful biblical principles, each represented by the smooth stones David chose from the brook before facing his giant. These stones are not mere physical objects but symbolize timeless truths that can guide us to financial freedom.
    The first stone emphasizes the necessity of knowing three crucial truths: our God is a debt-cancelling God; He shows no favoritism, meaning what He has done for others, He can do for you; and most importantly, He desires for you to live a life free from the bondage of debt. The stories of miraculous debt cancellations throughout the Bible, from the widow's oil in 2 Kings 4 to the tax coin in the fish's mouth for Jesus and Peter in Matthew 17, illustrate that not only can God cancel debt, but He has and continues to do so.

    As we grasp these truths, we move to the second stone, which calls for action. Faith without works is dead, and to conquer the giant of debt, we must become diligent in both stopping the behaviors that lead to debt and starting the practices that lead to freedom. This includes disciplined budgeting, avoiding impulsive spending, and speaking life and victory over our financial situations, for out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
    The third stone speaks to the power of tithing, a practice that opens the windows of heaven. By faithfully returning a tenth of our increase to God, we position ourselves under an open heaven where the blessings can flow, and the devourer is rebuked.

    As we journey further, we encounter the fourth stone, which represents the golden rule of sowing and reaping, a divine principle that transcends the natural laws of economics. It's a call to generosity, to invest in the kingdom of God, and to trust in His provision and multiplication.
    Finally, the fifth stone encourages us to place heaven on notice through our actions of faith, prayer, and giving, creating a memorial before God that signifies our trust in His provision and our commitment to live by His principles.

    Now, let us reflect on these truths through a moment of devotional reading from Psalm 37:25, "I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread." This verse reassures us of God's faithful provision and His care for those who trust in Him. It's a reminder that in every season of life, God's faithfulness remains, and His promises of provision and prosperity are eternal.
    As we close this episode, let us pray together:

    Heavenly Father, we come before You in gratitude for Your unfailing love and provision. We thank You for the promise of financial freedom and the principles You have given us to live a life free from the bondage of debt. Help us to apply these truths in our lives, to act in faith, and to trust in Your divine provision. Open the windows of heaven over our lives, rebuke the devourer for our sakes, and lead us into a future filled with Your abundance. Guide our steps, strengthen our faith, and help us to be a blessing to...

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  • The Favor of God

    Welcome to the Biblical Prosperity Podcast, I’m Paul Young, and today, we're exploring a powerful concept that has the potential to transform your life: the favor of God.

    The victories and successes we read about in the Bible were not merely the results of human might, strength, or power. The Promised Land, a symbol of ultimate victory and prosperity, was attained by God's people not through their own capabilities but through the divine favor of God. This favor is not a mere coincidence or a lucky charm; it is a testament to God's promise and faithfulness to those who are in covenant with Him.

    However, embracing God's favor isn't a promise of a life without challenges. Even those well-versed in faith and the teachings of Christ encounter battles that seem to stretch longer than they should. In my own journey, there have been moments of struggle that extended far beyond what I believed they would. The revelation that often slipped from my grasp was the understanding and recognition of God's favor. For many of us engaged in prolonged struggles, the root cause is not the absence of God's support but rather a gap in our understanding of His favor.

    A critical error we often make is attributing delays in our prayers being answered to God's inaction. However, the reality is that these delays frequently stem from our lack of understanding regarding God's favor. Jesus Himself provided clarity on this matter, stating, "And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it" (John 14:13-14). This promise underscores the strength of our relationship with God and the assurance that our requests, aimed at glorifying the Father, will be granted.

    Realizing this truth has been a game-changer for my prayer life and can be for yours as well. It is a reminder that "the LORD will give grace and glory; no good thing will He withhold from those who walk uprightly" (Psalm 84:11). For believers, this translates to a divine advantage—God's favor—that sets us apart and guides us to success.

    Why does God want us to succeed? Because our success serves a higher purpose—it makes God appealing to others. When we achieve something remarkable, and others ask how we did it, we have a unique opportunity to share about the favor of God in our lives. God's favor is not just about bringing us personal success; it's about making Him known and attractive to others through our testimonies.

    Let us now turn our hearts to a moment of devotion, reflecting on Psalm 84:11, "For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly."

    Dear Heavenly Father, we come before You with grateful hearts, acknowledging Your endless favor in our lives. Teach us to recognize and embrace Your divine favor, understanding that it is not for our glory but for Yours. Help us to use the successes You grant us as opportunities to make Your name known to others. Strengthen our faith and guide our steps, so we may walk in Your favor and reflect Your glory in all that we do. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

    Thank you for joining us on the Biblical Prosperity Podcast. May you walk in the assurance of God's favor and use it as a testimony of His goodness and grace. Until next time, may God's favor shine upon you and bring you into the fullness of His promised prosperity.

    Today's Encouragement is provided by Biblical Prosperity Ministries over at BiblicalProsperity.Org

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  • Trusting in God's Provision and the Power of Generosity

    Welcome to the "Biblical Prosperity Podcast," I'm Paul Young, and today we're delving into the essence of true prosperity as outlined in the scriptures.

    In the journey of faith, figures like Abraham teach us a profound lesson; prosperity is not just about the accumulation of wealth but about living in obedience and trust in God. This path of faithfulness is marked by actions such as tithing, a practice that not only honors God but also acknowledges Him as the source of all our blessings.

    Yet, the biblical concept of prosperity extends far beyond personal wealth. It encompasses a call to generosity, where we use our God-given resources to support others and advance His kingdom on Earth. This form of prosperity isn't measured by the wealth we accumulate but by the lives we touch and the legacy we leave behind in service to God and others.

    At its core, true prosperity is about prioritizing our spiritual growth and relationship with God, trusting in His provision and guidance. It's a reminder that when we seek God first, all other things will fall into place, according to His divine plan.

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