
  • The Colors of the Universe
    This episode dives into the colorful universe, exploring how astronomers use light and color to reveal the mind-blowing truth behind celestial objects. From the fiery birthplaces of stars to the chilling depths of space, join us as we unveil the hidden language of cosmic colors!
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    22 分
  • The Planet Neptune
    Journey to the farthest reaches of our solar system and explore the mysteries of Neptune! This episode dives into the icy giant, the first planet discovered through mathematics.
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    26 分
  • A Spark in the Cosmos: Unveiling Andromeda Galaxy
    Tune in this week as we blast off to explore the Andromeda Galaxy, our closest galactic neighbor!
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    22 分
  • Sunspots and Fury: Unveiling the Secrets of Solar Storms
    The Sun, our life-giving star, can also unleash its fury in the form of solar storms. This episode dives into the science behind these explosive events and their potential impact on Earth.
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    15 分
  • A Journey to the Earth's Core
    Ever wondered what lies beneath our feet? This episode takes a thrilling plunge into the Earth's core, a mysterious and scorching realm unlike anything on the surface!
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    18 分
  • The Solar System Hidden Gems: A Look at Dwarf Planets
    Pluto may have been stripped of its planetary status, but dwarf planets are still a captivating realm in our solar system! This episode dives deep into these celestial oddities.
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    19 分
  • Gazing Upward in the Cradle of Civilization
    Long before telescopes and satellites, humans gazed at the stars with awe and curiosity. This episode embarks on a journey through time, exploring the fascinating ways ancient civilizations understood the cosmos.
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    20 分
  • A Glimmering Abyss: The Nature of the Space Vacuum
    Space may be vast and awe-inspiring, but it's far from empty. This episode dives into the strange and fascinating world of the space vacuum – a harsh environment where the rules of physics seem to bend!
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    23 分