
  • The Gospel Is Resurrection Reality

    Life in this world is a mixed bag. We cling to the good things – relationships, health, safety, security, and naturally so. But so much of life is characterized by interruptions to those good things, and, as a result all that’s unpleasant – like pain, suffering, and disappointment.

    Sometimes this can be so severe that we view death as a reprieve. “It’s a good thing life doesn’t go on forever,” we might think, “because who would want to live forever in a world like this?”

    And yet, the beating heart of the Christian hope is the resurrection from death, life that doesn’t end, a grave that doesn’t have the final word. What of such a resurrection? Is it more than merely a wistful hope? Could there be an embodied life we’d truly enjoy, forever, free from all the interruptions to what is good?

    Jesus Christ has the answer for us. Now, on Ascension on Air: The Gospel Is Resurrection Reality.

    Bible Reference: 1 Corinthians 15:12-20.

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  • Live Intentionally Minded for Mission

    “Carpe diem,” wrote the Roman poet Horace. Seize the day, grasp the moment while it’s here. Or, as our contemporary culture would put it two thousand years later, YOLO. You only live once.

    Whether it’s carpe diem, YOLO, strike while the iron’s hot, or some other turn of phrase, common advice points to making the most of the time at hand. And this is true also as a Christian. The Apostle Paul wrote to the Colossians, “Make the most of every opportunity,” and in the context, he’s speaking particularly about opportunities to share Christ with those who don’t know him.

    This kind of missional mindset is part of being a Christian. But it’s not necessarily easy. In fact, it’s far more natural to fall into a rhythm focused on self and unaware of the opportunities around us.

    Thankfully, the Apostle Paul has some words of encouragement for you and me in this. And more than just encouragement, because Paul shows us the power of the gospel of Jesus to make the most of our moments for Christ. Now, on Ascension on Air: Live Intentionally Minded for Mission.

    Bible Reference: Colossians 4:2-6

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  • Christ Ministers to and through His Body

    “No man is an island,” wrote the English poet John Donne in the 17th century. And it’s true. Not one of us is independent of others. We all exist because of others and by others. That we are born of a father and mother is simplest proof.

    Some would say this is a bad thing. To be free of others, entirely independent – self-sufficient, self-directing, self-determining – this is the ideal of humanity, claim some.

    But not only is such extreme individualism unrealistic and, truly, a lie – it’s also an empty shadow of what it means to be human. Of what God designed us to be as human.

    Community – an interdependent whole – such existence is woven into our human nature. But more than that, it’s also the blessing that God designed us to enjoy. And so it is that God brings us to himself only together with others, joined together as a body… a body united by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    And a body gifted to actively love the members of the body. Today, on Ascension on Air: Christ Ministers to and through His Body.

    Bible Reference: Romans 12:3-13

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  • We Root One Another in Christ

    “Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me” – or so goes the old childhood rhyme, as if what other say is of no consequence to us. The truth is, names – and words generally – have a lot of power. The words we speak and the words spoken to us can hurt deeply, as any child who’s been teased can confirm.

    But the power of words to help and heal is also very real – and none more so than the power of the word about Jesus Christ. That’s why Paul wrote what he did in his letter to the Christians living in the Roman city of Colossae. “Let the word about Jesus dwell among you richly,” he said. Why? Because it was this word that was the power of God to give peace, real peace, lasting wholeness and restoration of relationship between God and among people.

    And it is this word about Christ through which Christians root one another in the peace of Christ still today – and in so doing experience genuine Christian community. Now, on Ascension on Air: We root one another in Christ.

    Bible Reference: Colossians 3:15-17

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  • God Desires Mercy for the Disobedient

    Have you ever had an epiphany, a sudden realization of some truth or reality that had been unseen or unknown up to that point? Sometimes that happens in school, when whatever you’re studying just “clicks” – it finally makes sense. You see connections and understand relationships and grasp ideas that eluded you before.

    Epiphany is a useful word in Christianity, too. It describes a realization of who Jesus Christ was and is – that he’s not just anyone, but the Savior. This kind of epiphany is necessary if we really want to understand the purpose and goal of Jesus’ life on this earth.

    In this week’s episode of Ascension on Air, we explore that epiphany from a particular perspective: that of disobedience. You see, Jesus was revealed as Savior not simply for people who found themselves in a bad way, but for people who brought that bad way on themselves. For disobedient people. People like me. People, I’d dare say, like you. People in need of mercy.

    This is a critical epiphany that each of us must have to truly understand the gospel of Jesus Christ. Today on Ascension on Air: God Desires Mercy for the Disobedient.

    Bible Reference: Romans 11:13-15,28-32

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  • Here Is Joy!

    On the first Christmas, an angel proclaimed good news of great joy to shepherds in a field. That same message of joy comes to us today - no matter where it finds us. Now, a special Christmas episode of Ascension on Air: Here Is Joy!

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  • The King is Coming to You - Prepare to Meet Him

    If you’ve spent any time in the Rockies of the western US, you know that generally there’s no straight path through them. At least, not naturally. Between the mountain heights and the deep valleys they form, it’s not easy to traverse your way from one point to another.

    Such a seemingly insurmountable set of obstacles is an effective metaphor for any number of challenges in life – including human sin. Sin is like rough terrain that’s impossible for us to cross out of. Everywhere we look, there are jagged rocks or deep ravines that hem us in.

    Which is what makes Isaiah chapter 40 so powerful – because it’s the promise that God would make a way through the wilderness to rescue his people. What a picture! Mountains crumbling down, valleys filling in, and a smooth road forming for God to come and save his own.

    That same thing happens in each us, personally, as the Lord clears away the barriers of sin in our lives and makes a clear path for his beautiful gospel of forgiveness to reach our hearts. Now on Ascension on Air: The King is Coming to You – Prepare to Receive Him.

    Scripture: Isaiah 40:1-11

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  • The Day Is Ready to be Revealed

    There’s more to see than meets the eye. This of course is something commonly true in life, which is partly why the phrase is so well known. You tap your device and this podcast starts – music and the sound of my voice comes suddenly into your perception. But what is unseen is everything going on behind the scenes to make it happen, from the communication of your device with the Internet to the sound waves traveling from speaker to ear drum to the quantum mechanics that undergird electromagnetic waves. There’s obviously a lot more to this moment than meets the eye.

    What about the end? Not of this podcast, but the end – the end of life, the end of this world, the end of days? In Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14 we see something overwhelming and not a little frightening. God’s glory. His power. His rule. His judgment at the end. A scene that we rightly sense the need to hide from.

    But is there more to see here? Is there more to the end of days than fear? In this episode, we get important perspective on these questions as we look more carefully at these verses from Daniel. Now on Ascension on Air: The Day Is Ready to be Revealed.

    Bible reference: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14

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