
  • Review of the Year 2023 (Part 2)

    Here we go

    Like all great things, we have a sequel! Part 2 of the 3 Is The Magic Number cultural review of 2023 is here for you to enjoy. Bathe in its chat and swim in its natter.

    In this 2nd part, Matt and Remfry talk about their final 5 ‘things’ which complete their Top 10’s of 2023. These wonderful bits and pieces vary from the most talked about TV show of the year to an incredible political podcast, from an album released in 2022 (naughty Matt) to a gig performed in a church. Magical stuff.

    If you haven’t already listened to Part 1, what on earth are you doing? Immediately stop reading this and go click below on that and THEN come back here, pick up from where you left off and get stuck into Part 2.

    As ever, if you agree, disagree, have opinions you need aired or just want to complain or praise, get in touch @3magicnumberpod. We shall see you all in early 2024 when Season 3 launches with a whole new set of guests. Watch this space, stay subscribed and see you on the other side. (Oh and Happy Jesus Birthday to all who celebrate)

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    1 時間 28 分
  • Review of the Year 2023 (Part 1)

    Greetings, hello and welcome to of The Annual 3 Is The Magic Number end of season cultural review (Part 1).

    Matt and Remfry witter on about so many wonderful ‘things’ and delightful ‘stuff’, that we’ve had to split this up into two parts. Despite the name of the podcast, we gave ourselves to 10 (not 3) ‘things’ each (as well as a host of bubbling unders) which took in our hosts favourite films, TV shows, books, podcasts, albums, live shows etc etc of the year.

    What will be Remfry’s favourite ‘thing’? What ‘stuff’ will Matt harp on about? Can you tell we didn’t quite get to grips with the descriptive language for this one…? The pair wang on about indie dream pop hardcore, the biggest and pinkest film of the year, things to distract you from flying and why videos games usually make terrible movies.

    As ever, if you agree, disagree, have opinions you need aired or just want to complain or praise, get in touch @3magicnumberpod. We shall see you again next Monday (18th December) for part 2!

    Why not follow us on:

    'Da Gram

    Bin Fire formerly known as Twitter

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    2 時間 18 分
  • Matt and Remfry on their Top 3 Favourite Sequels (S2 - E10)

    And now, the end is near, and so we have, the final podcast (of this Season). Today's podcast, the finale to Season 2, is the Matt vs Remfry show and their Top 3 Movie Sequels. A lovely long and ramble-y chat filled with movie spoilers and sequel apologies chatter. Lovely.

    As this is the final podcast, there is no recommendation corner or Tuesday Top 3, just all out chat action. Magic.

    The pair head off into the sunset this summer to work on Season 3 (launching Autumn 2023), and appear at both 2000trees and Arctangent festivals as a live podcast. Please do come along if you are at either event.

    Until next season, a huge thanks to all who listen to this podcast, anyone that has shared it, rated it, left us a comment, streamed, downloaded, thank you to all who care. It means a lot.

    See you guys on the flip side.

    Joe Dante's Inferno: Inside The Institute Of Gremlins 2 Studies

    The unforgettable satire: How Gremlins 2 made a mockery of Hollywood sequels

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    1 時間 43 分
  • Madison Watkins (of Year of the Knife) on her Top 3 favourite Studio Ghibli films (S2 - E10)

    We may be close to the end of Season 2, but we are finishing in style. This penultimate podcast, the last of Season 2 with a guest, features a chat between Matt, Remfry and the brilliant Madison (Madi) Watkins, vocalist from Delaware hardcore bruisers Year Of The Knife. Madi brings to the table her Top 3 Studio Ghibli Movies, a topic so wonderful, the chat could realistically have gone on for weeks and weeks.

    With both hosts being fans of these insanely incredible films, this episode is essentially a big old love in all about the studio; the films, their style, the music, the stories, the characters …. not ONE negative comment was shared in the whole exchange (and how rare is that!?) This chat does contain spoilers for all of these films, but to be honest if you haven’t seen some of these stone cold classic yet, this is more on you than it is us.

    In recommendation corner we have 3 films (including a bonus recommendation courtesy of Matt's kids), a comic book aaaaaaaand a very cool theme park that both hosts are very jealous about.

    We end the podcast with some chatter about more announced 3ITMN live shows, a cracking Tuesday Top 3 and a bit of nattering about Season 3 and next weeks special end of season finale episode. Lovely lovely lovely.

    Follow us on socials @3isthemagicnumberpod and please rate, comment and subscribe.

    Bridge to Terabithia

    The Menu

    The Cat Returns

    Ghibli Park

    The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness

    10 Years with Hiyao Miyazaki

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    1 時間 31 分
  • Anaiah Lee (of Zulu) on his Top 3 Star Wars Characters (S2 - E9)

    This week's podcast we venture off to a galaxy far far away, both in topic and guest location! How magical. This week's guest is the insanely talented and all round wonderful human, Anaiah Lei from the band Zulu and the state of California. He brings with him the chat and the force, with his Top 3 Star Wars Characters.

    Now, both hosts consider themselves fans of the SW universe, but frankly, after this chat, both need to go back to school. The picks Anaiah brings to the podcast really do show a man in deep love with all things Star Wars shaped, no normy normy the norm norm picks here ladies and gents! It’s a cracking, spoiler-filled, deep geeky chin-wag covering films, TV shows, prequels, sequels, comic books and more.

    We end the chat with our weekly trip over to recommendation corner where the trio talk up a wonderful new TV show, a new heavy heavy album from a very exciting band, and a film some are already calling one of the years very best.

    Our final podcast act includes some chat about another (ANOTHER!) 3ITMN live show, a Tuesday Top 3, and next weeks guest reveal. May the force be with you all!

    Follow us on socials @3isthemagicnumberpod and please rate, comment and subscribe.

    Fleischman is in Trouble

    Infinity Pool

    Jesus Piece - ...So Unknown

    The Complete Story of Kanan Jarrus

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    1 時間 23 分
  • Super Special Bonus Pod: Quick Fire Top 3s with Matt and Remfry

    For todays podcast, we are changing course ever so slightly and rather than a normal guest plus Matt and Remfry chat, we have something a little different.

    So…..Welcome to the Super Special Bonus Pod: Quick Fire Top 3s episode with Matt and Remfry! Catchy title eh?

    Ok ok ok….due to some scheduling issues, the regular podcast for this week has been held up ever so slightly, sooooooo in it’s place, we have this rather fun, very compact episode of 3ITMN. Matt and Remfry take to their socials and ask fans of the podcast for their various Top 3 suggestions, they then pull a variety of them out of a virtual hat (Matt’s phone) and do their best to answer as ‘off the cuff’ as possible.

    So yes, no recommendation corner, no free indie label advert and no Tuesday Top 3 this week, but it’s still a very fun romp through the silly minds of both hosts. Top 3 Tom Hanks movies? Top 3 emotions? Top 3 Top 3’s? Dive in to find out all.

    Follow us on socials @3isthemagicnumberpod and please rate, comment and subscribe.

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    49 分
  • Goc O' Callaghan (of ArcTanGent Festival) on her Top 3 Less Well-Travelled Destinations (S2 - E8)

    With only a few podcasts left of Season 2 (BOO!) we welcome this week the wonderful, brilliant, all-round super human being Goc O’Callaghan. Goc is part of the magnificent ArcTanGent Festival team which is the U.K. premier musical event for all that is interesting, heavy and out there. Her Top 3 topic is a great one; less well-travelled destinations. Cracking!

    For this podcast chat we journey far and wide, taking in travel and holiday destinations from the most interesting but also more secret and hidden places around the globe. Make sure you grab a note pad for all those super insightful tips and stuff. This is a really ace chat, with travel and culture being such an integral part of Goc's life and she even gets those two chatty men Matt and Remfry nattering about some of their own destinations of choice.

    The three pals head on over to Recommendation Corner and get down with some choice picks and big ups including two huge albums and one extremely interesting book. Awesome.

    The podcast finishes up with a great Tuesday Top 3, some shout out, next weeks podcast guest reveal (which is ... not really a reveal) and this week's free indie advert comes from MNRK Records. Tuck in!

    Follow us on socials @3isthemagicnumberpod and please rate, comment and subscribe.

    A Celebration of Endings: The rise and death of Gulch - Kerrang article by Huw Baines

    Gulch - Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress

    Hammock - Love in the Void

    Immersion: The Science of the Extraordinary and the Source of Happiness

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    1 時間 34 分
  • Nels Hylton on his Top 3 favourite albums of the 00s (S2 - E7)

    All we hear is radio ga ga this week, as we return from a few weeks of new season regulars back to the straight and narrow of Matt + Remfry + Guest = Episode. On today's podcast we welcome BBC Radio 1 DJ and Future Alternative show host Nels Hylton to discuss and dissect his Top 3, which given the guest, is very very on brand. Hoorah!

    Nels talks about his Top 3 Favourite Albums Of The 00’s a topic with an almost infinite number of choices. Amongst some classic picks he also talks at length about one album and band very close to his heart, a dear to him, almost unearthed gem. I would give anyone a very large pile of gold if they guessed it ahead of listening to the pod chat. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

    The chat over in that wonderful corner of recommendations this week sees the gang talk about a wonderful album and band, a new band and their EP and a world famous graphic novel series. Tasty!

    We end the podcast with an incredibly strong Tuesday Top 3, a few shout outs, the reveal for next weeks guest and this weeks free indie label advert comes from the truly awesome Alcopop. Enjoy!

    Follow us on socials @3isthemagicnumberpod and please rate, comment and subscribe.

    Greet Death - New Hell

    Late 90s - Everything is Closer Than It Seems

    The Walking Dead


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    1 時間 17 分