
  • Telling The Hard Truth | 1 Samuel 3:15-18

    Are you willing to swallow the hard truth?

    Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

    This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." Today, I am reading verses 15-18, it states:

    Samuel lay until morning; then he opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel was afraid to tell the vision to Eli. But Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son.” And he said, “Here I am.” And Eli said, “What was it that he told you? Do not hide it from me. May God do so to you and more also if you hide anything from me of all that he told you.” So Samuel told him everything and hid nothing from him. And he said, “It is the Lord. Let him do what seems good to him.” — 1 Samuel 3:15-18

    In the popular movie series The Matrix, the lead character, Neo, is given an option at the beginning of the film. He could take a red pill, enabling him to understand the truth outside the illusion of the Matrix. Or he could take a blue pill, allowing him to return to the illusion. Neo, of course, chooses the red pill, which opens his eyes to a discomforting truth. The life he had been living was nothing but an illusion. He was living a lie.

    This illustration fits here because Samuel and Eli have to swallow some troubling truths.

    But notice a few details about the two men. First, Samuel lay there all night, likely unable to sleep due to the troubling message about his mentor and feeling afraid to inform Eli about what God had said. Second, Eli calls Samuel as if he were a son, fully aware that God spoke to him but demanding to hear the truth about God's words.

    In a way, they both have a red pill to swallow. Samuel has to speak a hard truth. Eli has to accept a hard truth.

    I said this yesterday, but when God speaks, his truth is always a hard pill to swallow. God's truth declares that we are sinful, and then we have to accept the truth that we are sinful and need his salvation.

    Some people don't want to believe this truth. They prefer the blue pill. They buy into the illusion that they are good enough and that this life is all about pleasure and personal gratification. But ignoring the hard truth does us no good if we are going to be confronted by it at some point. If we are going to face judgment by God at the end of life, isn't it pointless to ignore the truth?

    Make today the day you make a change. Swallow the red pill, accept your sinfulness, and receive salvation and redemption before all you get is God's judgment.

    If this is you today and you are ready to make a change, pray this prayer along with me:

    God, I realize my life is ridden with sin. I accept this truth and need your salvation. I receive Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and his life, death, and resurrection as my means of redemption. I am ready to accept your truth and live by it all my days. In Jesus' name, Amen.

    If you prayed this today, reply and let me know. I would love to support you in some next steps.

    #EmbraceTheRedPill, #CourageousFaith, #FacingHardTruths

    Ask This:

    Reflecting on Samuel's hesitation to share God's message with Eli, consider a time when you've struggled to speak the truth in love. What steps can you take to cultivate courage and honesty in your relationships, even when it's difficult?

    In what areas of your life are you tempted to take the "blue pill" of denial rather than confronting uncomfortable truths? How can you actively choose the path of courageous faith, embracing God's truth, and pursuing transformation in those areas?

    Do This:

    Accept the truth from God, even when you don't like it.

    Pray This:

    Lord, grant me the courage to embrace the red pill of truth, confronting the uncomfortable realities in my life with faith and humility. May Your grace empower me to walk boldly in Your truth, trusting in Your redemption and transformation. Amen.

    Play This:

    Jesus, I Need You.

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  • 3 Keys To Unlocking Divine Guidance | 1 Samuel 3:8-10

    Three keys to unlocking divine direction.

    Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

    This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." Today, I am reading verses 8-10, it reads:

    And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” Then Eli perceived that the Lord was calling the boy. Therefore Eli said to Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant hears.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.” — 1 Samuel 3:8-10

    Today, Samuel demonstrates how to unlock the divine direction that you want and need. Three keys:

    Key One | Persistence

    God called Samuel four times before he realized that God was speaking to him. Four times! You thought you were slow.

    Sometimes, we are all a little slow, but Samuel got something right. He was persistent in listening. We need the same persistence in how we listen. The world is noisy: there is political noise, business noise, financial noise, marital noise, household noise, emotional noise, and sometimes, it takes a lot of work to hear God through all the noise. This means you need to persist in listening. Don't quit listening for God after the first attempt or prayer. Listen longer because when you don't know what God's voice sounds like, you might have already heard it but just don't know it yet.

    Key Two | Guidance

    Samuel needed clear guidance to discern God's voice and how to respond.

    If you are confused about what God wants you to do, seek spiritual guidance from someone you know who hears from God. Samuel had Eli. Eli was not a perfect man, but he did provide Samuel with enough guidance on how to discern and respond. It was just enough for him to take the first step. There are believers around you who hear from God and who have just enough wisdom to guide you as well.

    Key Three | Readiness

    I love Samuel's statement, "Speak, for your servant hears." His posture and positional readiness are what is needed.

    Most believers want to hear from God but sometimes are not positionally ready for the answer. If you want to hear God's voice and get his direction, then you need to prepare your soul for divine guidance that may not be what you want to hear, do, or share with others. This is exactly what is about to happen to Samuel. Your posture must be that of the servant. When God speaks you need to ready yourself.

    If you desire to hear from God, confidently embrace these three keys: persistence, guidance, and readiness. By applying these principles, you will consistently unlock the divine direction you want and need.

    #DivineDirection, #HearingGodsVoice, #SpiritualGuidance

    Ask This:

    How can you cultivate a spirit of persistence in your daily life to better hear God's voice amidst the noise of the world?

    Who in your life can you turn to for spiritual guidance and support, and how can you actively seek their wisdom to discern God's direction for your life?

    Do This:

    Do the three keys.

    Pray This:

    Father, grant me the persistence to listen for Your voice, the humility to seek guidance from those who follow You, and the readiness to obey Your will, even when it challenges me. Help me to hear Your whispers above the clamor of the world and to faithfully follow where You lead. Amen.

    Play This:

    The Struggle.

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  • Uncomfortable Messages From God | 1 Samuel 3:11-14
    What do you do when God speaks and says something you don't like? Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller. This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." Today, I am reading verses 11-14, it reads: Then the Lord said to Samuel, “Behold, I am about to do a thing in Israel at which the two ears of everyone who hears it will tingle. On that day I will fulfill against Eli all that I have spoken concerning his house, from beginning to end. And I declare to him that I am about to punish his house forever, for the iniquity that he knew, because his sons were blaspheming God, and he did not restrain them. Therefore I swear to the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli's house shall not be atoned for by sacrifice or offering forever.” — 1 Samuel 3:11-14 Samuel is not just receiving any communication but direct communication from God. Let that sink in. Samuel is hearing the voice of the Lord in the house of the Lord from the Lord Himself—inspiring and humbling. Four Realities About God's Voice To Man But I want to pause briefly and state four realities about this experience. First, every believer, at some point, wishes they could have an experience like this with God. Second, some think they are hearing God's voice when they are not. Third, others say they have heard God's voice and use it to coerce or control others. Fourth, and this is the vital point. You can hear from God and speak to God all the time. We hear from God in his Word. We are directed by God by his Spirit. We hear from God through other believers who are also in God's Word and led by the Spirit. We can speak with God in prayer, and God gives divine direction through events around us. You can have a very lively, vibrant, real communication with God all the time. This is one of the benefits of the Cross: Jesus made it possible for us all to access God at any time and anywhere (Eph. 3:11-12, Luke 23:44-47, John 14:6-7). When God Speaks, And You Don't Like It The startling issue of this communication from God is that it was a divine message with a damning message. God told young Samuel that his mentor, the High Priest of Israel, and his family would no longer have their sins atoned. That's eternal damnation by God. The message is "You are going to Hell." So, let me make an observation: God speaks a lot, but we don't listen. God's Word is His spoken word. If you want to hear from God, all you have to do is read His Word. In His Word, God has things to say about everything, but especially about you—your life, sin, vocation, family, finances, marriage, identity, and holiness. But here's the problem: When we read God's Word and hear his message, we don't like what he says because God demands a change. He is Holy, and we are not. This means that his message to us is not always positive and predictive but frequently painful because God demands change. By chapter three, two men—Eli and Samuel—had heard from God. Eli and his sons were given plenty of time to hear and change. They didn't, so they were damned. But, now it's Samuel's turn to hear from the Lord. Will he embrace the discomfort and deliver the message, or not? We will see... But what about you? Do you want to hear from the Lord? If so, gird up your loins. Embrace the discomfort. Do what God says. This is what it is like for a fallen creature to hear from the Creator of all Humanity. God, help us be courageous today. Please speak to us, and may we hear your truth, embrace the discomfort, and do what you demand. Amen. #GodsVoice, #DivineCall, #CourageousObedience Ask This: How can we discern between our own desires and God's voice when faced with challenging decisions or messages?In what areas of our lives are we resisting God's call for change, and how can we cultivate a willingness to embrace discomfort and obedience? Do This: Embrace the discomfort and do what God says. Pray This: Lord, grant me the courage to listen attentively to your voice, even when it challenges me to change. Help me embrace discomfort and walk in obedience, trusting in your wisdom and guidance. Amen. Play This: The Truth.
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  • 4 Principles for Tuning Into God’s Voice | 1 Samuel 3:2-7
    Do you want to increase how you hear God's voice? Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller. This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." Today, I am reading verses 2-7, which states: At that time Eli, whose eyesight had begun to grow dim so that he could not see, was lying down in his own place. The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple of the Lord, where the ark of God was. Then the Lord called Samuel, and he said, “Here I am!” and ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said, “I did not call; lie down again.” So he went and lay down. And the Lord called again, “Samuel!” and Samuel arose and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said, “I did not call, my son; lie down again.” Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, and the word of the Lord had not yet been revealed to him. — 1 Samuel 3:2-7 Two Contrasts This section has two fascinating contrasts. First, there's a striking contrast between aging Eli's failing eyesight lying in darkness in his own place and young Samuel resting in the Temple near the ark under the evening lamp. The author wants us to see the strong contrast between the two men at this moment. One man is on his way out of the leadership, and the other is on his way in. Second, we encounter the phrase, "Samuel did not yet know the Lord." This line echoes the declaration made about Hophni and Phineas in the previous chapter, "They did not know the Lord." However, the distinction lies in their reasons: Eli's sons rejected the Lord, whereas Samuel hadn't yet had a personal encounter with Him. The word "yet" in the text promises future revelation: "Samuel did not yet know the Lord." Many of you know what happens next in the story. It's pretty spectacular. Four Principles for Tuning Into God's Voice But for now, let me suggest four great principles we can glean from this text for tuning into God's voice. Principle One | Put Yourself In Proximity To God. God is speaking. He has something to say to you about your present situation. But if you are not in proximity to God, like Eli, who is weary and in his own place rather than in the house of the Lord, it will be harder to hear his voice. Physical and spiritual proximity play a part in hearing from God. This means you have to stop being resistant to the Church and God and move closer to both. Let me make this simple and practical: Go to church this week. Stop being so judgmental about the program, people, praise, and preaching, and instead listen to what God is trying to say only to you through the program, people, praise, and preaching. I bet you hear God speak in a way you have not heard him speak in a while. Principle Two | Disobedience Hinders Hearing God. Hophni and Phineas were disobedient men and spiritual leaders who did not know the Lord because they did not listen to the Lord. So, if you live in disobedience to the Lord, don't expect to hear from the Lord. It's impossible to hear from the Lord in disobedience because you are not listening to the Lord but to the Enemy of the Lord. You cannot listen and act on what the Enemy says to do and expect to hear from the Lord. That logic doesn't work. Principle Three | Obedience Enhances Hearing God. When we are obedient to God, this will enhance the connection to God. As John Hammis once wrote: When we walk with the Lord in the light of his word, what a glory he sheds on our way! While we do his good will, he abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey. — John Hammis, Trust and Obey. Principle Four | The More You Listen & Obey, The More You Know God. As the text states, "Samuel did not yet know the Lord." But once he learned to listen, he would remember his voice and know the Lord more and more. The same is true with us. The more we listen and obey God, the better we hear him and the more we know Him. If we continue listening and obeying, we will know him and hear from him more and more. So, commit to drawing closer to God. Get to know Him. Increase your reception by being in proximity, ending disobedience, and living in obedience. Tune into the whispers and get to know the Lord. He has the guidance and comfort you want and need. #ListenAndObey, #DivineWhispers, #SpiritualReception Ask This: How can you intentionally create space in your life to draw closer to God and hear His voice more clearly?Reflecting on times of disobedience and obedience in your life, what changes can you make today to enhance your receptivity to God's guidance and direction? Do This: Choose one of the four principles above and do it. Pray This: Lord, help me draw near to You with an open heart, eagerly listening for Your voice amidst the noise of life. Guide me to obedience and deeper intimacy with You so that I may walk closely with You and know You more fully each day. Amen. Play This: Trust and Obey.
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    7 分
  • Navigating Seasons When God Is Silent | 1 Samuel 3:1

    Have you ever felt the weight of God's silence? Today, I will give you two suggestions for navigating it.

    Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

    This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." Today, I am reading verse 1, which states:

    Now the boy Samuel was ministering to the Lord in the presence of Eli. And the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision. — 1 Samuel 3:1

    If you are a believer, there is no greater comfort than hearing from the Lord. At the same time, there is no greater discomfort when you want to hear from Him, but you sense that either He is not speaking or you are not hearing Him.

    More than a few times in my life, I have experienced this silence on matters of health, vocation, healing, finances, and marriage when I wanted an answer from God. This silence is disturbing and unsettling. Often, it leads to anxiety, confusion, and frustration that can mess with my head. In God's silence, my patience sometimes wears thin, and if I am not careful, my beliefs and thoughts will lead me to take matters into my own hands because I am weary of waiting on the Lord.

    Have you been there? We all have.

    The people of Israel were in the same place in 1 Samuel 3. They were in a time of silence when the "word of the Lord was rare." But the reason why was stated in Chapter 2 is that the priests at Shiloh, Eli’s sons, “did not know the Lord” and behaved in contempt for God and the people (1 Samuel 2:12–17).

    So, if you are still waiting to hear from the Lord, let me make two simple suggestions.

    Stop Spending Time With People Who Don't Know The Lord
    First, stop spending time with people who do not know the Lord, even if they appear to know the Lord. Many people boast credentials, status, and education but are not grounded in the Lord (like Eli's sons). Their answers are based on secular ideologies and will lead you away from the Lord and further into silence.

    Start Spending Time With People Who Do Know The Lord
    Second, start spending time with people who know the Lord. These people are easy to find. They read God's word, listen to sound teachers, and share godly wisdom. In addition, increase your intake of God's Word and get around praying people who will pray for you.

    If you do both of these things, the silence will break for you as it did for God's people. God will send the light of hope to you through Samuel, even in the darkest and quietest moments.

    And then listen. God will speak, and you will know it. It will be easy to discern because it will be the voice of comfort in your present discomfort.

    Let's pray:

    God, please speak to those today to whom you have been silent. Please help them to eliminate the dissonance of this world. Put believers in their lives to whom you speak, and may your Word be a clear voice of comfort in their present season. Amen.


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  • How To Hear God In The Silence | 1 Samuel 3

    Do you want to hear from the Lord?

    Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

    This week, we are reading 1 Samuel 3. I've titled this chapter "Into Our Silence God Speaks." In this chapter, we will witness Samuel's remarkable journey as he emerges as the next spokesman for God. The key verse of this chapter is verse 10, which reads:

    And the Lord came and stood, calling as at other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant hears.” — 1 Samuel 3:10

    From Boy to Prophet

    This verse represents a crucial moment in this book, in Samuel's life, and in the life of the nation of Israel. In this chapter, Samuel is about to undergo a significant transformation. He is transitioning from a boy serving in the temple to becoming a divine leader of God's people. It's like watching a disguised superhero enter a phone booth and emerge as this eager superhero ready to save the day.

    Into Silence God Speaks

    Yet this unveiling occurs because Samuel is a man who is willing to listen to God and speak His will. From his interaction with God, we will learn six ways to listen to God this week.

    1. Navigating Silence: Navigating times when God is silent (3:1)
    2. Increasing Reception: What prevents us from hearing God's voice (3:2-7)
    3. Recognizing His Voice: Learning to recognize God’s voice (3:8-10)
    4. Painful Messages: When we recognize God's voice but don't like the message (3:11-14)
    5. Telling the Message: Telling others what God has told us (3:15-18)
    6. Becoming His Messenger: Declaring his message as his designated messenger (3:19-21)

    Amid life's noise and distractions, it's easy to miss God's call. But just as He spoke to Samuel in the quiet of the night, God desires to communicate with each of us today. Whether we're navigating moments of silence, wrestling with doubts, or grappling with the weight of His message, the key lies in our willingness to listen and respond, just as Samuel did: "Speak, for your servant hears."


    Ask This:
    1. How can we intentionally create moments of silence in our lives to better hear from God amidst the noise and distractions of our daily routines?
    2. How can we respond like Samuel when we sense God's prompting, moving from simply hearing His voice to actively obeying and sharing His message with others?
    Do This:

    Ready your heart and ears to hear from God.

    Pray This:

    Heavenly Father, grant me the grace to quiet my heart and mind, so that I may attentively listen for Your voice and faithfully respond to Your call, just as Samuel did. Help me to discern Your will and courageously share Your message with others, trusting in Your guidance and provision every step of the way. Amen.

    Play This:

    I'm Listening.

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    3 分
  • Aging Spiritual Leadership | 1 Samuel 2:31-35
    You never age out of spiritual leadership. Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller. This week, we are immersing ourselves in 1 Samuel 2. Chapter 2 contrasts two families—one who stands with God and one in defiance. Today I am reading verses 18-21: Now Eli was very old, and he kept hearing all that his sons were doing to all Israel, and how they lay with the women who were serving at the entrance to the tent of meeting. And he said to them, “Why do you do such things? For I hear of your evil dealings from all these people. No, my sons; it is no good report that I hear the people of the Lord spreading abroad. If someone sins against a man, God will mediate for him, but if someone sins against the Lord, who can intercede for him?” But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for it was the will of the Lord to put them to death. Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the Lord and also with man. — 1 Samuel 2:22-26 Then, jumping down to verses 31-35, a man of God comes to Eli and delivers a message from God. Behold, the days are coming when I will cut off your strength and the strength of your father's house, so that there will not be an old man in your house. Then in distress you will look with envious eye on all the prosperity that shall be bestowed on Israel, and there shall not be an old man in your house forever. The only one of you whom I shall not cut off from my altar shall be spared to weep his eyes out to grieve his heart, and all the descendants of your house shall die by the sword of men. And this that shall come upon your two sons, Hophni and Phinehas, shall be the sign to you: both of them shall die on the same day. And I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind. And I will build him a sure house, and he shall go in and out before my anointed forever. — 1 Samuel 2:31-35 An Old Spiritual Leader There are some interesting details in both of these texts. Eli was very old. In fact, according to 1 Samuel 4:15, he was 98 years old. This suggests that he may have been out of touch with what was happening with his sons and their spiritual leadership. However, he eventually learned about their involvement in two forms of serious corruption. Using their power and position for personal gain.Using their power and position for sexual exploits. What you have are two boys who feel entitled and have become especially egregious in their behavior. But what makes these sins egregious is that they interfere with God's sacrifices and in his house, and the boys just simply don't care. Then Eli's "why" is as close as he gets to calling them to repentance. He approaches them like a helpless old man and father who has washed his hands of them. In addition, we know the boys are going to dismiss his extremely soft interrogation. An Indictment The most startling part of this text and chapter is the indictment by God in verse 25: "for it was the will of the Lord to put them to death." The boys had gone too far. Most of us reading this text don't like to hear this. But it's a serious mistake to assume that these boys and their stubborn, entitled, sacrilegious, and hard hearts should be blamed on God. The hardness of their hearts was their choice, and thus, we see God's judgment for that choice. And given what I read here, Eli should have been a little more engaged in guiding them to repentance. However, what is particularly interesting about this whole situation is that we never get the impression that Eli was a wicked priest. On the surface, he seems to be presented as a fairly "good" guy, but the way he deals with his sons and stewards the house of the Lord at the end of his life is not good. He is simply too old and lacks the fortitude to deal with his son's wicked conduct, which is not good. But when one father fails to do his job, another takes over. God, the Father of his nation, inserts himself where Eli fails to lead. An Ageless Responsibility This is an important message for fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers. The spiritual leadership of your family never ends. There is no time in your life when you age out or retire from giving your family spiritual correction and guidance. You cannot simply wash your hands of giving needed spiritual correction and direction. Sometimes, you need to muster some fortitude and call your family to repentance because you love them. It's not loving as a father to let them face judgment from the Heavenly Father. So, what sins do you need to address in your family, and how are you going to do it? #SpiritualLeadership #FamilyFaith #LegacyofFaith Ask This: How can you emulate Eli's initial concern and engagement with your family's spiritual well-being, despite any challenges or discomfort it may entail?Reflecting on the consequences of Eli's passive approach, how can you actively cultivate a culture of repentance and spiritual growth within your family, ...
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    8 分
  • The Impact Of Believing Parents | 1 Samuel 2:18-21

    Are you leading your kids spiritually?

    Welcome to the Daily Devo. I am Vince Miller.

    This week, we are immersing ourselves in 1 Samuel 2. Chapter 2 contrasts two families—one who stands with God and one in defiance. Today I am reading verses 18-21:

    Samuel was ministering before the Lord, a boy clothed with a linen ephod. And his mother used to make for him a little robe and take it to him each year when she went up with her husband to offer the yearly sacrifice. Then Eli would bless Elkanah and his wife, and say, “May the Lord give you children by this woman for the petition she asked of the Lord.” So then they would return to their home. Indeed the Lord visited Hannah, and she conceived and bore three sons and two daughters. And the boy Samuel grew in the presence of the Lord. — 1 Samuel 2:18-21

    One clear observation from this section is that Samuel and his parents (Elkanah and Hannah) remain faithfully devoted to God. Even Eli is reminded of this every year as they bring their sacrifices, and his mother provides Samuel with another robe. As a result, Eli continues to pass blessing after blessing to Elkanah and Hannah, who end up having not one child but six in all.

    The impact of parents who actively guide and spiritually support their children is significant. There is a remarkable contrast between the children of Elkanah and the children of Eli. Elkanah and his family were actively devoted to God and took their spiritual responsibilities seriously, even after Samuel had left. In contrast, Eli was more passive in his approach to parenting his sons, assuming they would just understand at some point, and if you have read ahead, you know they didn't.

    This chapter has really persuaded me to reflect on how I lead my children and take a few more steps in spiritually leading them. My role is not merely teaching them secular skills or new leadership techniques or persuading them to win friends and influence people; I am called to invest meaningful spiritual time, talent, and treasure in their lives.

    So how about you?

    Are you serving your family spiritually?

    Are you intentionally nurturing their faith, modeling godly character, and providing opportunities for them to grow in their relationship with Jesus?

    If not, commit to prioritizing your children's spiritual well-being. Pray for them fervently, teach them the Word of God diligently, and lead them by example as you walk in obedience to Christ. Invest time, energy, and resources into building a firm foundation of faith in their lives. May God bless your efforts abundantly as you faithfully serve your children, shaping them into the men and women of God He has called them to be.

    Remember, your children (just like Samuel) are a precious gift "lent to you by the Lord." They are only under your immediate care and direction for a short season. How you steward this season will have eternal significance. And for those who don't have kids or whose kids have flown the nest: keep praying, keep leading, keep speaking the truth, and keep asking the Father to draw them to him. He is the only perfect father even when you are not.


    Thank you for all the children you have lent to us. Draw them to you all their days. Guide them through sin into your holiness. Be their redeemer and use them to advance your kingdom.

    In Jesus' name, Amen.



    1. How can you prioritize spiritual investment in your children's lives amidst the busyness of daily routines?
    2. Reflecting on the contrast between the families of Elkanah and Eli, what specific steps can you take to actively nurture your children's faith and spiritual growth?

    DO THIS: Do one thing to spiritually lead your family today.

    PRAY THIS: Father, grant me the wisdom and strength to lead my children spiritually, nurturing their faith and guiding them into a deeper relationship with You. May Your presence be evident in our home, shaping their hearts and lives according to Your will.

    PLAY THIS: Run To The Father.

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