
  • Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

    We make thousands of financial decisions during our lifetime. Many of them small, and a few of them are very big.

    In this episode we explore how getting caught up in the small, daily decisions and ignoring the big ones can derail one's path to financial success. Buying a cup of coffee every day on your way to work probably isn't going to make you broke. However, buying the wrong house and financing new cars certainly can.

    Don't sweat the small stuff. Pay attention to the big decisions and make sure you get those right.

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    39 分
  • Hidden Costs For First-Time Homebuyers

    Buying your first home is a very exciting experience, but can also be a financial disaster if you are not prepared.

    In this episode, the guys from Proper Cents discuss the various expenses that come with buying your first house. Everything from furniture to maintenance to taxes.

    Do not be caught off guard when moving from the rental market to homeownership.

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    35 分
  • You Are The Sum Of Your Habits, Good and Bad

    Our personal and financial lives are full of habits. Some good, some bad. These habits make up our routines, which in turn makes up the life we live.

    Many bad money situations are the result of bad habits. In this eposide, Eric and Nik discuss how we fall into bad habits, what good habits we should be striving for, and how to make a good habit stick.

    Don't let your bad habits dictate your financial future. Change them!

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    34 分
  • WTF is Dogecoin?!

    With cryptocurrencies taking a lot of the financial news headlines lately, its hard to avoid all the chatter about them.

    One that is getting a lot of press is Dogecoin. Many people had never heard of Doge until recently, and it can be a bit confusing when trying to figure out what it is and what it does.

    In this Episode, Eric and Nik explain what Dogecoin is, where it came from and why it has gone up over 5000% in less than 12 months.

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  • Cryptocurrencies - What Are They and Should You Invest?

    Bitcoin, Ethereum and many other cryptocurrencies have stormed onto the financial scene lately.

    Any new technology can seem confusing at first. In this episode, Eric and Keith dig into the basics of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, while giving aspiring investors some information to think about before diving in.

    Is this the next technological revolution like the internet, or just another Beenie Baby craze?

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    40 分
  • Mortgages and Refinancing - What You Need to Know

    With mortgage rates near record lows, moving to a bigger home or refinancing your current mortgage may be a good financial decision.

    In this episide, the guys from Proper Cents discuss various aspects of getting a new mortgage and refinancing existing mortgages. They talk about how mortgage brokers are not necessarily on your side, and explain the important factors you should consider before signing on the dotted line.

    Don't let real estate agents and mortgage brokers tell you how much you can afford. They make more money when you spend more money!

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    42 分
  • Lions and Tax Returns and Stimulus Checks, OH MY!

    The thought of the annual tax return or stimulus check can give a happy feeling when dreaming about all the things you can buy.

    In this episode, the guys from Proper Cents explain why waiting all year for a tax return might be a bad idea, and why blowing your stimulus check on something for fun may not be the best plan.

    Don't waste your windfall! Strengthen your financial muscles instead!

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    10 分
  • Back to Basics: Investing is for Everyone

    Investing in the stock market can seem daunting for the unintiated. The truth is, is much easier than you may think.

    In this episode, the guys from Proper Cents discuss the basics of investing, how to set up an account, good places to park your money, and why starting even with just a few dollars is better than putting it off until later.

    Get your money working for you, instead of working for your money.

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    41 分